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Rain pouring in the peak of summer seemed unusual. But for this world, there was an exception. Either the weather was mixing up or the climate has gotten worse than the last time any civilization had experienced. Years have passed for this world. Many years, with so much fenomena and changes happened. It became more unpredictable, wild, and worst among all.

Darshan and Mahika spent their time in the kitchen, peeling potatoes and preparing vegetables for dinner. They could not go to the river because of the cold weather. Samar said the house must be located in a mountain or highland, so it felt much colder than the normal temperature. Thank God now they had a roof over their heads, warm sweaters covering their bodies, and hot foods to eat.

Ruhani has gotten better. She did not experience nauseating anymore and the fever has gone. She even got her appetite back. She was so much better now, although somehow she became weaker and got tired easily. Nevertheless, with her recovering, Samar could shift his attention to other things such as solving the code of the mysterious door that Darshan found on the first day they came here.

“The rations have started to run out. We have to figure out another way to get food,” Mahika said to Darshan. He nodded in acknowledgement.

“I have talked to Samar. We will figure out a way,” Darshan said while peeling his last potatoes. They would make mashed potatoes with ham using the microwave since they could not go outside to cook. He directed his gaze to Samar who was still busy working on the code.

“Hasn't done yet, Major saab?” He called out. Samar sighed and dropped his tools to the floor.

“I give up!” Samar left the door and headed towards the kitchen to Darshan and Mahika. He washed his hands then grabbed a can of beer from the fridge.

Mahika giggled at Samar's words while cutting the onion. “Give up but you will do it again tomorrow.”

“Because we have no choice,” Samar sighed then sipped his beer. “I will go out tomorrow to check the river. If we are lucky, we can go fishing there.”

Darshan immediately looked up to him. Samar was so convinced about it. But deep down inside, he doubted it. He had been having these feelings about bad luck for the past few days. Well, when they arrived at the house, he must admit he was glad to find it. But after spending some days in it, his suspicion about the world kept going up. Samar did not realize this.

“No. We will stay here tomorrow,” He said abruptly, making Samar and Mahika turn at him.

“No matter what, we stay here. The rations should last for at least five days. That should give us enough time to figure out another way to get resources,” He continued.

Samar looked at him confusedly. “How many beers did you drink last night?”

“Bhai, look,” Darshan put down the knife then walked to Samar. “I know what you are thinking about me. I don't have any survival skills. I know nothing about open nature. Fine. But I know when the danger is coming. It is coming.”

“On what basis did you say that?” Mahika finally joined in.

Darshan took a pause, shrugged his shoulders and said, “Instinct.”

Samar scoffed at his answer. He took the last gulp of his beer then threw it to the trash can. “If I followed my instinct, we wouldn't be stranded here.”

Darshan was not quite satisfied with his response. He usually was not too concerned. Whether Samar liked it or not, what led them to find this house so they could take shelter there was Darshan's instinct. But he knew he could not keep Samar stay just because his instinct said so. Samar was a man of logic from the beginning. He would not take suggestions based on instinct.

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