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The circumstances around Samar, Darshan, Ruhani and Mahika were a bit settled for a few days after the unexpected attack. They had plenty of time to heal and build strategies to survive the wild world. They managed to make Mahika feel better. Samar did it with his soldier’s first aid ability. He was doubt at first, but it worked. She only had a dislocation after he checked it properly. He just needed to twist it. At least she could walk now though it has to be with extra effort. The healing would take some time.

During that time, Darshan took care of her well. He never left an inch from her side except for an urgent business. Pee, for example. He had lost her for fifteen years and now he would not let her go again. He really thought what happened in their lives was destined before. He thought it was God’s plan to show him the right way. What brought them to this point was that belief. He was so sure about it.

“Dash, you don’t have to do this. I can do it myself,” Mahika said as Darshan opened a can of sardines. He just smiled at her.

“At your service, ma’am. Shut the conversation and eat this.”

Mahika smiled when Darshan fed her a spoonful of the canned fish. It tasted no good, but the presence of her man was enough to turn her eyes blind over anything. Darshan really took care of her well. If there was one good thing she can see in this crazy adventure, it would be how Darshan made up for his mistakes fifteen years ago.

“How is your ankle? Getting better?”

Darshan's question made Mahika giggle. “You've asked that question many times.”

“Sorry. I'm worried. That injury scares me as hell,” He smiled as he took another spoonful of food to feed her. She accepted it happily.

“I am okay. How's yours in the arm? Let me see,” Mahika pulled his arm and checked the wound. It was already healed and became dry. It only left a five centimeters scar.

Mahika looked around. She had not seen Ruhani nor Samar since this afternoon. What happened between them? They usually could not be separated like a pair of slippers, just like her and Darshan. It was the first time since the accident they kept their distance from each other.

“What are you thinking?” Darshan asked, making her turn to him.

“Where are Ruhani and Samar? I have not seen them since afternoon,” She said.

“Ruhani is there at the river bank. Samar was taking a walk around. But he already came back and went for a quick swim in the river,” Darshan pointed to the river ahead with his chin. That made Mahika round her eyes.

“Quick swim? In the middle of the dark and such cold water?”

Darshan shrugged his shoulders. “Now you've already met my buddy.”

“And what does Ruhani do there?”

“Why don't we ask her when she gets back?” Darshan made Mahika take another spoonful of food and she only obeyed. She was still curious about the strange behavior of her two friends. Little did she know, what Ruhani thought was far different.

The long journey after the ship accident made Ruhani have a lot of time to think about Samar's proposal. He intended to marry her. Yes, both of them were crazy. Samar expressed his desire to be with her since the beginning of their acquaintance. He was already a widower when they met. That was one of the reasons why she still wanted to keep this relationship. At least, she did not ruin another man's marriage. She did not care if Samar ruined hers. She had been wanting it to end since she gave birth to Vihaan.

They already planned everything. Samar and she bought a luxury apartment together in Juhu with an incredible sea-facing view. They used it when Samar was in Mumbai to visit her. They never went to hotels as it was too risky. So far, this apartment was still uncovered by the media. It remained hidden from the spotlight of Ruhani's life as an actress.

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