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“What?!” Said Ruhani, Mahika and Darshan together.

Samar put down his phone and tried to contact the headquarters once again. Still, there was no ring.

“I was at the helipad to make sure it was clear for the chopper landing. But I couldn't get through it. There is a rainstorm with high winds outside. Hurricanes are uncommon for the Caribbean sea in February, so I checked the compass. The course is changing.”

The news Samar brought made them forget what they did a few minutes before. They threw the fight matter out of the window. There was no judgement anymore. The only thing they thought was themselves, what would happen to them. If it was true then it is going to be their first problem in the last seven days.

“Then where are we heading?” Mahika asked. Samar did not have an answer for that. He was just about to figure it out.

“Could you provide me with a map? I will try to decode the coordinate.” Samar saved his phone back and pulled out a suitcase from below the bed. He did it in a hurry, not caring if someone would see his secret device. There was no point in wasting time. Ruhani and Mahika stared at it in amazement. There was an enigma machine, piles of files, and a phone line. Samar used the enigma to report his status to the headquarters.

Darshan grabbed his phone and checked the maps. There was no reception.

“No signal. The map did not appear.” He showed his phone. The screen only showed a blank green page and glitching.

Samar immediately checked the compass. It suddenly stopped working too. The needle kept spinning rapidly. He shook it a few times to get it back in order but that did not work. They looked at each other nervously.

“You said you checked the compass before you got here. Why is it not working now?” Ruhani asked Samar. He just shook his head. He had no idea how it could happen.

“Wait. Why do they change the course? Everything would be okay if we stayed on the previous one. According to the schedule, we will reach the Bahamas tomorrow.” Ruhani stared at Samar. “It has something to do with you, right?”

Samar looked at Ruhani in disbelief. “What? Why me?”

“Your eyes have been on those army officers and our host since the first day. It was what you were talking about with your father. They know about it so they want to remove you, along with the rest of the ship.”

“Along with the rest of the ship? With themselves in it too?” Samar could not believe what he just heard from Ruhani. That was baseless and illogical. Those generals could have just put a bullet in his brain. He was also sure enough that no matter how rich the Adani family is, they would not spend one hundred thousand dollars on a waste only to keep their secret safe.

“But what if they are not here anymore? I mean, they might have left this ship before abandoning it.” Mahika's opinion was answered by a little laugh by Samar.

“You all have been watching too many Bollywood movies.” He said while smiling amusedly.

“She made a point, though. It can be true.” Darshan's voice made Samar stop laughing. “We should check it.”

Whatever the reasons, Samar agreed to check on it. He took out a handgun from his suitcase and loaded it with ammunition. Ruhani and Mahika shuddered at the sight when Samar hid it behind his back. Well, they have seen a weapon in their movie sets, but never seen the real one.

Samar later found out that his friends' filmy way of thinking brought them to a clear conclusion.


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