Chapter 8

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So sorry for not posting in a while, I have been really busy moving.

 But I'm back now! 

Thanks so much for being patient and I hope you enjoy :)


Everyone has their own reaction to this new information. Cole looks very surprised that his thought-to-be-dead uncle is actually very much alive. 

Amir is most definitely mad at Jared, you can tell by the way their glossy white eyes glare towards Jared. Amir was told by Jared that Jared didn't have any family. 

Jared is shocked that one, Mary and Todd are still together, and two, that they had a kid together, and that kid also happens to have a merman for a mate. 

Mal is just straight up confused because he has no idea that anyone is talking about. Mal was just starting to get to know Cole's parents but now there a whole new family member thrown into the mix. 

"Ok. wait, hold up, everyone thinks I'm dead?" Jared asks like a complete dumbass. 

"Damn, my parent never told me how much of an idiot you are, or course everyone thinks your dead! You disappeared into the ocean for some unknown reason and know one could find you. For the first half hour or so they were looking for your drowning body, but it didn't take long for them to switch to searching for your corpse. Dude, what the fuck happened?" Cole asks flatly. 

"It's a long story," Jared says.

"We got time," Cole says.

"But do we thought?" Mal asks Cole, in a mer language neither Jared nor Amir can understand. 

"Yeah, of course we do," Cole tells his mate. 

"But aren't your parents gonna flip if we aren't back my sunset? Sunsets in an hour so it better be a quick long story," Mal explains. 

"Your right, ok so Jared let's make this a quick long story, you may begin," Cole tells him. 

"Right ok, so here's the story. so about a month before I 'died'," he said in air quotes, "I was doing some research in the rock pools at night, doing an experiment to see the difference between how the anemones act at night compared to the day, real interesting stuff. But anyways, I was looking around the rock pools when I noticed trail of blood leading towards the water. At first I thought maybe someone feel in and they were dragging them self out of the water, cause you know those rocks can be dangerous. 

"I followed the blood going away from the water and at the end of it was a larger pool of blood. there were no signs of anyone walking around and it looked like the trail of blood started away from the water and was heading towards it. So anyways, I followed the trail back over to where I started and then I kept going towards the ocean. And when I got to the end of the trail I found Amir at the end of it. 

"I don't think I really registered what Amir was at the time, all I could see was a gorgeous person bleeding out of the rocks. Amir was weary at first when I tried to help them but eventually they let me treat their wounds with my handy dandy first aid kit, which I bring with me everywhere for situations like this. 

"So after helping them, we got to talking all night long, and by talking I mean Amir answering my many questions. they told me that they were knocked out by this mean monster thing and ended up trifting up onto the rocks. For a few months while Amir's injuries where healing, they stayed by the rock pools and every night I would go they and we would do all sorts of stuff. it took about a month for Amir to tell me about the whole mates thing but of course I was very accepting and happy about the whole situation. 

"When Amir's injuries were healed they had to go back into the trenches where their from because the light at the surface was damaging for them. I knew that it was better for Amir to be in a dark space but it sucked being away from him so I made a plan with Amir that they would go back to the trench and I would come visit them there the next day. I didn't really want to go alone so I decide I would bring Todd along and I would tell him all about it. 

"Everything was going great, I was just about to introduce Amir to Todd, but then the same monster that first attacked Amir months ago showed up and attacked me and Todd. I don't exactly remember what happened after that until I woke up in a cave kind of like this one with Amir at my side. Apparently they saved me from the monster and brought me to a cave so that I could breath and so that they could stay with me. 

"From then on Me and Amir decided to come here, to this island, where we could live together and where no one would judge us. So yeah, that's basically the story."

"That's some story," Cole says, "So you thought it was a good idea to running away with your mate and let everyone else think your dead? aren't you supposed to be some genius scientist?" Cole says plainly.

"Well, yeah, but- whatever dude, enough about me, why are you here?" Jared asks, changing the subject.

"We were in the area so we decided to check out the island," Cole tells him. 

"Ok, but why were you in the area? You on a cruise or something?"

"No, dude, I live on a boat, we've been in the area from a couple weeks now," Cole says.

"Why do you live on a boat?"

"Mostly 'cause of my parent's work but also 'cause it's fun," Cole explains and Jared looks at him confused. "My dad's a marine biologist and my mom's a marine photographer."

"Wait, seriously?! Why? I thought they both wanted to be lawyers?" 

"I think it has something to do with you actually, but they also really enjoy it. Also that was like 20 years ago, people change," Cole says. 

Jared is surprised to hear this. he never thought that they would care about him so much. he also never thought he would hear anything about them again, yet here's their son right in front of him. 

"So, do you think I might be able to see them?" Jared asks with a hope filled voice. Cole smiles and says,

"Of course."

Even though Cole is annoyed at how much of an idiot his uncle is, he can't help but be relieved. Even though he's never met Jared before, he is so happy to know he is alive. And he know that his parents with feel the same way when they get to see him.

The long lost Jared has returned. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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