Chapter 4

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As soon as Cole reaches the kelp forest he drops a new anchor. He looks out to the water to see if he can spot Mal anywhere. When he doesn't see him anywhere Cole jumps into the water. He swims to the bottom and starts searching for his mate. Just then, something tackles him from behind. He turns to see the small merman hugging him. Cole hugs him back tightly. The merman makes an odd noise, almost like purring. 

Mal has been waiting all night for his mate to return. He didn't sleep a wink, to busy thinking about his mate. Mal is ecstatic to have his mate back in his arms. Mal feels Cole tapping lightly on his shoulder, signaling that he needs air. Mal pulls back enough for him to grab his mate's hand and lead him to the surface. 

At the surface Cole takes a deep breathe. 

"Hey," Cole says.

"Hello," Mal says with a big smile on his face. The two stare into each others eyes for a second before their lips meet in a passionate kiss. Mal's tail coils around Cole's large body while Cole wraps his arms around his mate's waist. Mal smiles into the kiss before pulling back to say,

"I missed you."

"I missed you too," Cole says with a smile on his face. The two make there way over to the boat and Cole climbs up. 

"So, tell me about merfolk," Cole says.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Mal asks. 

"How do you know english?" 

"Oh, actually, I don't know english," Mal says and Cole looks at him in confusion so Mal continues, "you see, there are a lot of different languages in the ocean. Different mer from different areas have different languages, just like humans do. While most of the time a mer and their mate come from the same pod, and speak the same languages, sometimes a mer's mate is from another pod. Because of this, mates can understand the others languages as if it was their own. So actually, I'm speaking mer right now, but you hear it as english, and I hear you like your speaking mer," Mal explained. 

"Wow, well that sure is handy. You mentioned pods? where's yours?" Cole asks and Mal gets a sullen looks on his face. 

"I don't have one. As long as I can remember I've been alone, in this kelp forest, I've never left."

"Oh, well, you won't be alone anymore, you have me now, and I'm not going anywhere." Cole gives Mal a warm smile. 

"Really? what about your parents? Don't humans on a boat move around a lot?" Mal asks, worry creeping into his voice. Cole notices this and says,

"Hey, I promise you, no matter what happens, I will not leave you alone, ok? Your my mate and although I only met you yesterday, I love you." Mal's heart is warned at the sound of those three words leaving his mate's mouth. Mal wraps his arms around his mate and pulls him into the water to hug his tightly. 

"I love you too," Mal whispers. Cole pulls his mate into the deep kiss. Cole nips Mal's lips slightly, asking for entry. Mal opens his mouth for Cole to push his tongue in. A warm feeling rushes over the pair as Cole wiggles his tongue around. Mal moans from the gesture, which only turns Cole on more. 

As the couple make out viciously a memorie rises to the surface of Mal's mind. 

He wasn't completely honest with Cole about one thing. He does have one memory when he wasn't alone. He was very young, maybe four or so. He was with his parents and his pod. They were migrating and they stopped to take a break. he can't remember any of their faces, not even his parents. 

Everyone was resting on the seafloor in a group. His parents were talking with another member of the pod when Mal noticed something shiny on the ground. he swam over to it and picked it up. It was a metal bottle cap. It was red with some kind of white swirly design on it. Mal was fascinated with the object and started looking for more. he noticed one in the distance and swam over to it. he continued picking up all sorts of different colored bottle caps. 

Eventually he has a whole handful of them. He was about to go and show his parents what he found out of nowhere he was caught in a sea current. He tried to get out of it but he was already tired from migrating all day and he was only a small child.  He fought it's flow as it carried him further from his pod, until he couldn't see them anymore. He was all alone trapped in a current that he had no idea where it would lead. 

When it finally spit him out he was lost. He didn't know which direction he came from, the current had so many twists as it threw him around. He swam around for a while in tears, until he was too weak to keep going. He found himself in a kelp forest. He let himself sink to the grassy floor where he fell asleep.  

Ever since then, he has been alone in this kelp forest, not wanting to move in fear that he will get lost again. 

Hut now he has someone with him, now he's not alone. he has his mate, someone who loves him, and who he loves back. He couldn't be happier with his life. Mal pulls back slightly to ask,

"Cole, um, can I mark you?" 

"Well, what is it?" Cole asks.

"Basically it binds us together, forever," Mal explained. 

"So it's like marriage?" 

"Um, yeah, but it's ok if you don't-" Mal is cut off when Cole's lips find his. 

"Yes, you can mark me," Cole says quickly before pulling Mal back into a kiss. Mal begins trailing his lips down Cole, from his strong jaw, to his neck, then his broad shoulders, down his muscular arms, and finally to his wrist. Mal uses his sharp teeth to bite into Cole's flesh. Drops of blood spread in the water. Mal begins licking the wound and Cole shudders from his touch. 

To Cole, it's like everything Mal does it times ten now. When before, Mal's touch would be something that Cole wanted, but now he needs it. Cole feels like if Mal isn't touching him every second of everyday, he would just die.

Mal is feeling the exact same thing as his tongue brushes the open wound on Cole's arm. The taste of Cole's blood on his tongue is spectacular. When he's done licking the wound he moves back to Cole's lips. 

They continue kissing and touching each other for hours, trying to explore and memorize every cell in the others body. They both are feeling pure happiness and joy as they hold each other close. 

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