Chapter 7

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The seaside house was filled with all sorts of junk. old anchors and parts from boats line the outer walls, all kinds of chains and ropes hang from the cross beams under the extended roof. the one story house is small enough without all the junk cluttering it. the house looks like it's made of driftwood, each plank is a different color and shape.

There's small dock jutting out from the beach with a row boat tied to it. Cole steered the boat right up to the side of the dock before jumping off with a rope to tie down the boat. when the boat was properly secure he looked into the water just at Mal's head appeared above the surface.

"Are we sure that this is a good idea?" Cole asks Mal but someone else answers.

"Well, I can promise you that I'm not a serial killer or anything," Jared says from behind Cole. Cole is startle by the sudden appearance of Jared.

"Geez, dude, you sure do know how to sneak up on people," Cole comments. Jared just chuckles and says,

"Well, yeah, I haven't been around other people in years, since I was 16 actually."

"Really? and how old are you now?" Cole asks.

"45," Jared states.

"Wow, so that's like, what? almost 30 years?"

"Yep, but anyways yet me show you to the grotto," Jared says before turning around and walking towards a rocky cliff. Cole follows behind him on the beach, while Mal follows in the water. Mal is a little confused on where their going because to him it just looks like their headed to a sheer cliff wall.

Cole is also confused about where this weirdo is taking him. Cole knows that this man is probably not a serial killer but he can't help but think of the worst.

Jared stops only ten feet away from the wall of rock. He turns around and looks at Cole.

"From here we have to swim. We have to go through an underwater tunnel to get there so how long can you hold your breath?" He asks.

"A couple minutes," Cole replies.

"Perfect!," Jared says before throwing off his shirt and walking towards the water. Cole does the same them follows after him. When Cole reaches Mal they hold each others hand for comfort. All three of then swim out past the break until there about a hundred feet from the shore.

"Alright, take a deep breath and follow me," Jared says before ducking under the water. Cole does as he's told and takes a deep breath. Mal swims after Jared with Cole's hand in his. They swim down for about a minute before reaching a cave entrance. from there Jared leads them through the cave system for another minute before surfacing in a large dome.

The water spans half of the dome before turning into a sheet of rock. The sides of the space ark upwards before meeting a hole in the ceiling, where a cold draft filter through. The only light in the space comes from a lit torch on the wall.

Where the water meets the rocky area, a mer is searching through sea shells. The mer has a pitch black skin and a matching tail, their long hair is as dark as night.

"Amir," Jared calls as he swims towards the mer. When the mer turns around you can see that their eyes are non existent, just sunken in skin where they should be. They says something in a language neither Cole or Mal can understand, but Jared seams to understand just fine.

"Cole, Malik, this is Amir. They can't see cause their from the deep, but their can hear and smell really good," Jared explains.

"I will speak in english so you can understand me," Amir says which surprises Cole and Mal.

"You can speak english?" Cole aks surprised.

"Yes, Jared taught me. I've never spoken to another human before though," they explain.

"Oh, cool, so how did you two meet?" Cole asks.

"Oh, well, it's an interesting story. So basically I was diving in this trench in my home town with my friend, Todd, when my equipment malfunctioned when I was heading back to the surface. We were really deep down and I couldn't get any air from my tank. I don't know why so I tried to turn around to check my tank. That's when I saw this huge squid latched onto it. I signal Todd and he turned around just in time to see the giant squid pull me down. I think Todd tried to help me but he ended up swimming to the surface quickly. I don't remember much but something happened to the squid to make it let go. I later found out that it was thanks to Amir that the squid let go. I think I passed out cause the next thing I remember is waking up here." Jared gestures ti the space around the group.

"Wait, hold up, what's your friend Todd's last name?" Cole asks.

"Simons," Jared says, wondering where this is going.

"And what's your last name?" Cole asks.

"Johnson," Jared says hesitantly.

"And do you have a sister named Mary?"

"Yeah, wait how'd you know that?" Jared asks confused.

"Cause Mary and Todd are my parents, which makes you my uncle," Cole explains.

"Wait, seriously?!" Jared says shocked.

"Yep, but it's weird, cause your supposed to be dead."


Sorry, this is a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it!

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