Chapter 6

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So far Malik sus been likening his mate's parents. He's found out that Todd, Cole's dad, is a marine biologist. He studies the ocean for a living, which is something Mal can appreciate.

Mary, Cole's mom, is a marine photographer. She won all sorts of awards for it. She showed Mal some of her photos and he couldn't really understand what he was looking at, they don't have pictures under the sea.

Mal was also telling Mary and Todd all about himself and his life in the ocean, with Cole as a translator of course.

As they all talked and got to know each other, Mary and Todd became more comfortable and excepting of the merman in front of them, and the relationship he has with their son.

Mal was also relaxing more as he spoke with the couple. In the past Mal has had some questionable experiences with humans so he tends to be wary.

Once there done talking Mal shows Cole's parents around the kelp forest.

As Cole watches his mate swims through the tall stalks of kelp, the sun casting beams of light across his face, he can't help but think how wonderful Mal is. He is so kind, and beautiful. He swims so gracefully as he weaves through the kelp, not disturbing the plants in the slightest.

He can't help but feel lucky to be with someone so great. He can tell that his parents like him too, even though they were a little apprehensive at first.

Malik is showing around Mary and Todd when he notice his mate starring at him. Cole doesn't know it but Mal is also thinking about how much he loves his mate. Even though he never expected his mate to be human, he can't help but love him even more because of it.

From what he can remember about merfolk relationships is that they all tend to be the same. You meet your mate and fall in love then your together for the rest of your life. And none of that sounds bad to Mal, in fact he quite likes it, love and first sight then being together forever. The part that feels weird to Mal is that most mer's mate is the same as them, the same personality.

But between Cole and Mal, there completely different. Besides the fact that Mal is a merman and Cole is human, they are so different from each other. But that's why it works, that's what makes there live so fun.

Mal couldn't images his mate any other way. Sure, it would be nice for Cole to be able to swim with Mal for longer than a minute or two before needing air, but stuff like that doesn't matter to him. He loves his mate so much and he shows Cole that in his eyes.

Cole can understand what Mal wants to say, and he responds with a smile which is quickly returned.


Two days pass and Cole is out at the kelp forest talking to Mal.

"So, I was thinking..." Cole starts.

"Yeah?" Mal says.

"Would you maybe wanna go check out this place with me?" Cole asks.

"What place?"

"There's this cool island like thirty minutes from here, I thought it might be fun to check out a new area," Cole says.

Mal thinks about this for a second. Mal has never left tue reef before, but then again he's never had a reason to. Now he has Cole with him, he's not alone.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun, let's do it," Mal says and Cole smiles before leaning down to the water to kiss his mate.

The island, like Cole said, was only thirty minutes from the kelp forest. It's a small island with a deep jungle in the center. If it was cleared out you would easily be able to see the other side of it.

Cole rides the small boat up onto the shore, not wanting to bother with an anchor. Cole steps off the boat and integer the white sand, while Mal stays une the shallows of the surf.

"I've never been this close to land before," Mal says.

"Really?" Cole asks surprised.

"Yep, I've never really had a reason to," Mal explains.

From the beach Cole hears shuffling in the jungle. He snaps his head to the direction of the noise. At first he thinks it's some kind of animal but then he hears a very human sounding grunt.

"Hello?" He calls in to the jungle, "those there?"

"Cole, what's wrong?" Mark asks, a little worried that there a human watching him. Cole looks back to Mal and says,

"It's probably nothing, don't worry."

"It's not nothing," a voice says from the jungle and a man walks out. He is short and has messy blonde curls paired with emerald green eyes. He reminds Mal a lot of Mary. Mal quickly sucks under the water so this human doesn't see him.

"Who are you?" Cole asks, taking a step back from the man.

"I should be the one asking you that, you are on my island," the man states.

"Oh, sorry I didn't think anyone lived here," Cole says, "I'll just go." Cole turns to the boat but he's stopped.

"Now, hang on, you dont have to leave. You were talking to a mer right?" The man asks.

"What? I have no idea what-"

"Don't play dumb with me, I know what I saw, and you don't have to worry, my mates a mer," the man's says. Cole is shocked by what the man says and Mal, who was listening below the water, peaks him head up to look at the man. When he does the man spots him in the water and waves.

"Really?" Cole asks surprised.

"Yep, and I'm guessing that mer over there is your mate,"the man says.

"Yeah," Cole says hesitantly.

"Cool, well I'm Jared, and you are?"

"Cole, and that's Malik," Cole says and gestures over to Mal, who waves at Jared.

"Well, Cole, I got a beach house on the other side of the island, you come over if you want, I also got a grotto for your mate. My mates also over there if tou wanna come meet them. They don't really see any other mers ever so it might be nice for your mate and mine to hang out a bit," Jared explains.

Cole looks over to Mal. Mal nods to Cole, and Cole turns back to Jared.

"Yeah, sure," Cole tells Jared.

"Well alright then, you can just sail your boat over to the other side of the island, I got a dock over there."

And with that, Cole and Mal are on there way to some mysterious island man's house. 

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