Chapter 1

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When the sunrise casts a red glow in the sky, Cole knows that a storm is coming. His mom and dad, two sailing enthusiasts, would always make sure he knew the saying Red sky in the morning, sailors warning. Red sky at night, sailors delight. It's a great way to predict a storm, and it always works. So when Cole saw the red sky this morning, he knew that he was in in for a ruff night. 

Currently,Cole and his parents, Mary and Todd, are anchored off the coast of Ensenada in Baja California. It's a nice area, with clear waters and kelp forest, which are Cole's favorite of the underwater ecosystems. 

Living on a boat all the time and traveling the world means that Cole doesn't actually go to school. Insead, he learns as he travels, from different people and different cultures. His favorite thing to learn about though, is the ocean. The ocean is filled with life and mysteries. Most of the ocean has still yet to be explored, and the life contained it, yet to be discovered. 

As Cole watching the sun rise over the horizon, he hears his dad calling for him.

"Hey, Cole, get over here and help me prep for the storm," Todd says as he starts putting covers on the seats. 

"Do we really have to start all this now? I mean it's probably not going to start raining until it gets dark," Cole complains. 

"I don't care about that, I wanna get this done so we can relax before the seas pick up," His dad explains. Cole groans, but does as his dad says, putting plastic covers over all the seat cushions. 

When the two finish up outside they head inside to where Mary is waiting with breakfast. Cole and his parents sit down to enjoy the hot plants of food in front of them. Mary, Cole's mom, prepared a large breakfast for the morning with the new supplies they picked up yesterday. A tall stack of pancakes sits next to a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs. A pitcher of orange juice stands nexts to the plates, glasses, and silverware. 

Cole takes two pancakes, some bacon, and a heaping scoop of scrambled eggs. Cole is 6' 3" so he usually eats a lot. Being his height on a boat with low beams means that Cole is often hitting his head on various things. Both of his parents are average height, or even a little shorter, so Cole doesn't exactly know where he gets his height from. but even though there height doesn't match up, there's no doubt in Cole's mind that his parents are really his own. 

Cole shares his Father's medium skin and blue eyes, while he has his mom's blond curls. Cole's mom works as a underwater photographer, while his dad is a marine biologist. Because of their job description, they can live on the water, which Cole loves. When Cole was younger, he lived in a house in Los angeles with his parents. He always found the repetitive life of living on land to be boring. wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, go to sleep, repeat; the weekends were even worse. 

Cole didn't really have any friends, and his parents were always out doing there job the weekends, so Cole would have to sit in an empty house all day. He didn't find the tv entertaining and he wasn't aloud to go to the beach by himself, so he usually just sat around doing nothing. 

It was a boring life, but, fortunately, his parents were finally able to accomplish their dream of living on boat, and sailing the world. And now, two years later, at 18 years old, Cole is finally happy with his life, and everyday is an adventure, or so it was.

Lately Cole has been finding life to be boring again. He's already sailed the world, twice, and he's seen all there is to see on the water. He's watched all the ocean documentary, read all the books, and studied all the creatures in the sea. Cole doesn't know what else there is out there for him. It's always been his dream to discover something new, to go somewhere unexplored. 

So, Cole has begun taking the dingy out on his own, to try and explore what he can. Today he was planning to check out a kelp forest that he found yesterday. He knows that the storm won't come until later so he still has time to carry out his plans. 

When Cole finishes his breakfast he shoots up from the table to get ready. 

"Where are you off to?" His mom asks. 

"I found this kelp forest yesterday that I want to check out," Cole explained as he took his plate into the kitchen. 

"Are you sure that's a good idea? there gonna be a storm today," Cole's dad says with worry in his tone. 

"It'll be fine, the storm won't come till later." Todd considers arguing but then changes his mind. Todd trusts his son, and he knows he'll be back before the storm comes. 

"Alright, then, have fun," Todd says to his son. Cole smiles and runs off to gather his gear. 

Today, Cole is only going to free dive, getting out the scuba gear will take to long and Cole just wants to get out there. He shoves all his stuff the miniature sailboat and takes off towards the kelp forest. Yesterday he marked the location of the underwater ecosystem on a map so he knows exactly where to go. Cole feels good about today for some reason, even with the ominous red sky. 

When Cole arrives at the kelp forest he drops a small anchor to keep the dingy from moving. he slips of his shirt and slides on his fins. then he prepares his goggles and hops in. Tall kelp towers reach from the sandy floor to the surface of the water. Cole guesses it's about 20 feet deep, it's easy to tell when you can see straight to the bottom through clear waters. When swimming, Cole can hold his breath for about two minutes comerfably, three if he's pushing it. 

Cole takes a deep breath and swims down to observe the beauty of the forest. He notices multiple different species of fish as well as some sea urchins and crustaceans. he swims around for a while, taking breaths when needed, until he notices something unusual from the corner of his eye. A large figure, around the size of a human swims through columns of kelp. 

When Cole turns to see what creature he saw, there's nothing there but kelp waving with the surging current. Just then the water darkens from clouds blocking the sun. Cole swims to the surface to take a look at his surroundings. During his swim he drifted about 100 feet or so from the boat. He looks to the sky to see dark clouds rolling in. 

Shit, Cole thinks to himself. Cole knows that it doesn't take long after the clouds show up for the weather to start going sideways. He can already tell that the seas are getting ruffer as he swims back to the boat. When he reaches the dingy he swims down to unhook the anchor before climbing in the boat. When the anchor doesn't come off from the rock its hooked on, Cole has to swim back up to the surface to catch his breath before trying again. 

He swims back down to try again but it's no use, the anchor is completely stuck. When he goes down for the third time he brings a knife with him to cut through the rope attached to the achor. After severing the cord he leaves the anchor there, planning to retrieve it tomorrow.  Cole climbs into the boat and starts setting up the sail just as a bolt of lightning cracks over head, and rain starts pouring down. 

Large drops of water start pelting Cole as tries to take down the sails to to keep the small boat from capsizing. The water becomes violent and the boat sways back and forth.  

Another strike of lightning booms in the darkened sky, the rain gets heavier, and the seas ruffer. Cole tries to get the motor going on the dingy but it doesn't start, no matter how long he tries. The only thing left to do is wait, but the storm continues to get worse. At the next lighting strike the boat flips, flinging Cole into the raging sea. 

As his body crashes into the ocean, everything in the boat sinks in the water. Cole tries to swim to the surface but a fishing net keeps him under. He struggles against the net but it's no use. He stops fighting and gives in, letting the net drag him down. The last thing Cole sees before passing out is the most beautiful face on the planet. 

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