Epilogue - Lucky Idiot

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Eight years later

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Eight years later.

I kiss my son on the forehead before placing him down in his bassinet.

I quietly make my way back to the kitchen where my girls are baking. It was Dahlia's idea and Lucia, and I were happy to make that idea happen. She picked out all the flavors and colors she wanted on her cupcakes. It made her happy and that makes us happy.

I walk in to see Dahlia clapping while seeing the first cupcake her mother has finished frosting. Lucia smiles at her reaction and then when she impulsively takes a huge bite out of it. The little girl notices my presence immediately and looks at me with a questioning look.

"Were you gentle?" She asks referring to her little brother.

"Very gentle." I assure her. She's a very protective older sister.

"Good." She gives me a look of approval as her attention goes back to her mother.

Have I mentioned that we're all wearing matching pink aprons with hearts on them? Lucia bought them and Dahlia loved them the moment she saw them. Now she has us baking for the sole purpose of putting them to use. We actually had a flour fight earlier. We created a whole mess but then I cleaned up as they showered and changed clothes before we actually decided to use the flour for something.

"Try it, papa." Dahlia hands me her half-eaten cupcake, the chocolate frosting smudged all over her mouth.

I take the treat and I eat the rest of it with one bite. My daughter stares at me waiting to hear my opinion. I hum in delight for extra effect causing her to smile beautifully.

"This is the best cupcake I have ever eaten." I give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Good because mama and I made them with love." She informs me. "Right, mama?"

"Yes, my love. We made them with so much love." Lucia responds still very concentrated on the damn cupcakes.

I'm actually craving her attention at the moment. Sometimes I get jealous of our children for stealing her attention away from me. I feel better after she gives me kisses though.

I stand behind her wrapping my arms around her waist, taking in the amazing feeling of being so close to her. I rest my chin on her head as I watch her do what she is doing. Dahlia watches as well before adding a bunch of sprinkles to each treat that her mother finishes. They're bow shaped sprinkles that she has become obsessed with.

Lucia finally finishes and turns around in my arms. I take the opportunity of having her so close to give her a big kiss. I love her so much. She makes me so happy and on top of that she is a wonderful mother. She just gave birth to our son about six months ago. I try to take care of her as much as I can, but she is a bit stubborn. She assures me she is fine but watching her give birth seemed so painful. She almost broke my hand from how tight she was holding it. I wouldn't have minded but I couldn't stand seeing her in such a state. I felt guilty in a way.

I did finally get the full experience of being a father. I went to the ultrasounds, shopped for clothes, built his nursery, and I took care of my wife. I enjoyed every little moment and so did Dahlia. Never have I seen someone be so excited about having a sibling. She was begging us for years and her mother gave in one day and now here we are. I'm the happiest I ever could be.

I keep giving kisses to Lucia not wanting her to leave. She wraps her arms around my neck pulling me closer. I kiss her as much as I can now that Dahlia is distracted and that our son is asleep.

"I love you." I continue kissing her sweet lips.

"I love and appreciate you." I remind her before she gets to speak.

"I love and appreciate you too, amor." Anything that leaves her lips mesmerizes me. I just fucking love her.

"I can't get enough of you, Lucia. I don't know how you'll ever get rid of me." I lean my forehead against hers.

"I would never want to get rid of you. I am too obsessed and in love to even think about doing that." She holds my face in her hands while staring into my eyes.

I feel a stare just as I give Lucia another kiss. I look over at our daughter who has her hand under her chin as she stares at us with a small smile on her lips and a glimmer in her sleepy eyes.

She yawns before speaking. "You are both so adorable."

Her words get a chuckle out of Lucia who also notices how tired she is. "You're even more adorable, florecita."

Lucia leaves my arms and goes to give a kiss to Dahlia who returns ten more. Lucia takes her and Dahlia's aprons off as the little girl watches while yawning. She then cleans her hands and mouth with a towel.

"Papa, take me to the couch. I want to take a nap." She orders after her mother has finished and I oblige by going to take her in my arms.

Lucia quietly laughs as I take my little baby to the living room. It is where she usually naps so that is why she is so used to it. She usually just lays down and goes to sleep without informing us or anything.

I set her down on her designated spot putting a pillow down for her to lay her head on. I put a blanket over her, and I give her a big kiss on the head.

"Ti amo, papa." She whispers before her eyes close, and she falls asleep.

I feel my heart explode every time she tells me that. It is at the most random times too, so she catches me off guard every time.

"Ti amo di più, fiorellino." I whisper back making sure she is well covered with the blanket.

I walk back into the kitchen feeling excited now that I have the mother of my children all to myself. I see her finishing cleaning up and neatly setting the cupcakes on a dish. A light smile forms on my face as I go toward her.

I abruptly pull her into my arms burying my face in her neck. I leave small kisses while inhaling the scent of her perfume.

"They're asleep now." I state the obvious and she hums knowing that.

I trail my kisses up to her jawline until I reach her lips. She wraps her arms around me as I gaze into her eyes.

"That means we have alone time, sunflower. What should we do first?" I linger my lips near hers.

"I think you should give me a bunch of kisses until you get tired of it." She suggests and I love the idea of that.

I sit her up on the counter behind her. I stand between her legs as I gently hold her. She herself becomes too excited and smashes her lips on mine immediately. We're always kissing each other but I never get tired of it. I can never get enough of her. I'm too obsessed with her and the sensation she brings to me by just being near me or simply looking at me.

"You make me crazy, and I love it." I say between our deep and heated kiss.

"I'll love you forever, my beloved savior." She says the words that I wear on my wrist to this day.

I am honored to have ended up being the lucky idiot and fool who gets to make her happy for the rest of her life. I will live the rest of my days doing just that because I love her, and she loves me.

We have a love that will never die, it's eternal.


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