Chapter 26 - I'm Bored

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I enter the bakery scanning the cozy and small place for Ace

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I enter the bakery scanning the cozy and small place for Ace.

He isn't here yet, so I decide to go order myself a coffee and maybe a pastry. It smells delicious in here and I didn't have breakfast, so I really need to eat something. I go to the register where a teenage boy is at. I greet him before putting in my order. He kindly takes it and then asks for my name.

"Lucia." I tell him and he looks at my face closely before smiling.

"I'll call your name when your order is ready." He kindly tells me and I nod.

"Thank you." I put my wallet away and go to find a table.

I notice the brief glance the boy gives me before heading to the back of the kitchen, leaving his coworker to make the orders coming in. I don't think much of it until he walks out a few seconds later. He glances over at me before going to make someone's coffee. There is something going on. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing.

"Lucia." The same boy calls my name a few moments later.

I stand up to go get my coffee and croissant. When I take my things from the counter the boy stops me before I am able to turn around to take a seat again.

"Mr. Bianchi is waiting for you in the back." He informs me pointing toward the door he walked in and out of a while ago.

He doesn't say anything else as he goes to take another order. I stay in place wondering if it's true and if I should go look. I hesitantly decide to go. I walk through the door to see a beautiful lounge area which I am guessing is for the workers here. Ace in fact is in here and he is sitting comfortably in a corner drinking coffee.

"Mi amor, why are we here?" I walk toward him to take a seat beside him.

He pulls me insanely closer to him by the waist and gives me a soft and tender kiss.

"I missed you and wanted to see you." He's lying and he is so bad at it.

"That's not the reason." I put my breakfast down on the table in front of us as I stare at him with an unimpressed look.

"It is." It is but he isn't telling the full truth.

I give him a look. "We're in the back of a cafe in the employees' lounge. Why?"

He lightly smiles before sighing and giving in. "Eric has been having men following me around."

My mood immediately changes. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize about it. He's doing it because he wants to find a way to get back all the money and power that I am taking from him." Ace pulls me close to him. His touch comforting and soft.

"I lost them on the way here, but I decided that we should be more careful in case he still has men following you around." His voice is soft like he is trying to comfort me so that I won't worry.

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