Internal Screams

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Toy Chica's POV:

I knew their date was almost over. I could tell by their talking about it almost being time to go, so I quickly and swiftly put a mistletoe over the door frame (with the help of Mangle, of course). Then, we both swiftly ran away before they noticed.

Goldie's POV:

I got up and handed Bonnie my hand to help him get up. He took it, and I helped him stand up, and we began to walk out of the party room. "So, did you enjoy our date?" I asked nervously, and he nodded, "Yeah, how about you?" He asked back, and I nodded back, "Same," I said with a bright smile.

Upon exiting the doorway, I noticed Bonnie's face flush. Confused, I looked up and saw why. Above the entrance, there was a mistletoe. My face flushed, and I quickly looked away, embarrassed.

Bonnie grabbed both of my hands in his, pulling us closer. He leaned in, and I leaned in too (I had to bend upwards since he's taller than me), and just before our noses touched and our lips connected, we heard someone yell our names, "Goldie! Bonnie!" When we looked, it was Freddy. He was staring at us with a puzzled and angry expression.

"What are you two doing!?" Freddy asked, his face slightly scrunched up. I was internally screaming on the inside. Not only did he catch us, which was incredibly embarrassing, but he was probably about to scold us. He ruined my shot.

"Bonnie, you knew full well I didn't want you and Goldie going on a date!" Freddy exclaimed as Bonnie's ears lowered, and I looked confused. "What? Why?" I asked, confused, "You're so clearly using him," Freddy said, and I scoffed in annoyance, "No, I'm not!" I claimed back.

"How can I trust a liar like you!?" Freddy said back. By this time, Foxy had shown up and was standing behind Freddy, a bit to the side, in a stance that was menacing in a protective way, as if we would attack Freddy.

"I'm not lying!" I exclaimed back. "I don't trust you," Freddy said and yanked Bonnie away from me. All I could think was how embarrassing, humiliating, and frustrating this was. I also felt awful for Bonnie.

"Bonnie, we're gonna talk again," Freddy said, annoyed, and yanked Bonnie into a different room as I was left with Foxy. I was confused about why Foxy didn't go with Freddy since Foxy usually acted as his bodyguard or guard dog. 

I gulped as Foxy gave me a glare that gave me the idea that I was about to get scolded or yelled at.

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