What Is The Answer?

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Goldie's POV:

I walked into the main room, my hands shaking slightly out of nervousness. I looked around looking for Bonnie. I saw him on the stage and instantly hid the flowers behind my back. I looked around to see if anyone was around. Foxy was in his Cove asleep, Bonnie was on the stage practicing his guitar, and Freddy and Chica weren't in the room, which meant I had the perfect opportunity to ask Bonnie out.

I headed over to the stage he was practicing on, I could feel how nervous I was. I headed over to him with a nervous smile, "Hey, Bonnie, do you have anything planned for tonight?" I asked shakily, I could tell he knew something was up by how shaky my voice was despite my usual confident tone. "Yeah, why, what's up?" He said back, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Uhm, well." I felt my voice crack and stutter, why was this so hard? Movies make it look so easy. I cleared my throat in the hope of a redo, I didn't want to do a long speech but at the same time, I didn't know what to say. "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me tonight?" I asked revealing the flowers from behind my back and extending my arms out hoping that Bonnie would take them.

Bonnie froze as he looked at the flowers and then back at me, he seemed to be thinking of an answer. He extended his hands out and took the bouquet from my hands then put them up to his chest and gave the sweetest smile ever, "I would love to." he said in a slight whisper as a reddish-pink blush spread across his face.

My heart skipped a beat as he agreed, I had to use all of my self-control to not start squealing like a fan girl finally being recognized, little did I know a big goofy grin had spread across my face, I didn't know exactly how to express how happy I was. "I'll see you at 3:40 a.m.?" I ask hoping he would agree to that time plus it would technically be a semi-normal time for celebrating Valentine's Day.

"That works for me," Bonnie agrees and nods in agreement. "Perfect! I'll see you then." I exclaim and head back to the backroom, once I'm back in the backroom with the door shut, I bounce up and down flapping my hands and squealing (thankfully the backroom is soundproof). I fall on my shelf-like-bed and squeal into my pillow while kicking my feet like a high school girl seeing her crush, I couldn't wait for my date with Bonnie.

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