The Chat

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Bonnie's POV:

My cheeks turned a deep shade of red as I clutched the beautiful bouquet that Goldie had given me. It was almost surreal to think that Goldie had asked me out on a date. My heart raced with excitement and nervousness as I replayed the moment. I couldn't wait to see where this could lead.

As I sat there, my eyes fixated on the clock, I couldn't help but feel like time had come to a standstill. It seemed hours had passed despite only two minutes had elapsed. Time was moving in slow motion. My heart beat rapidly with anticipation and eagerness as I contemplated the upcoming rendezvous.

As I was sitting there, I noticed Freddy walking by, and to my surprise, he sat beside me. "Good afternoon, Bonnie. May I ask what the occasion is for the lovely flowers?" he inquired.

I could feel his gaze becoming more focused, and I knew I had to explain myself. "Goldie gave me these," I said, in the hope of easing, any possible concerns he may have had.

"He's trouble. He might be trying to bribe you," Freddy said, dampening my mood about the date. "I don't think he is," I replied, trying to calm my racing thoughts. "I'm positive he is," he repeated.

"Well, I'm positive that he's being genuine about it; he had also asked me out," I say back, with a stern look. "He what?" Freddy said flabbergasted. I got a bit more nervous.

"I said yes," I replied while nervously fiddling with the flowers. Freddy mentioned his worries about the possibility of Goldie manipulating or bribing me. He didn't trust Goldie - that was clear.

I checked the time; it was 3:37 a.m. I quickly got up, said goodbye, and headed to party room one. I was excited but also nervous and cautious about my date.

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