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It was currently 12:00 pm so noon and the mall was at least 30 minutes away from his house so it wasn't that far. While he drove he saw police cars everywhere. His heart stopped because he was at least a little ways from the mall and the collisioned cars were possiblely heading in that direction. He let out a small scream as a cal popped up in his dashboard from Richie.

"Y y y yeah?"

"When are you gonna get here mw and Eddie are so bored you're taking literally foreverrrr!"

"A a a alright stop c c c complaining I'm almost there. T t t there was an a a a accident by my w w w w way."


"B b b bye!"

Bill ended the call and already the traffic was dragged away and he started moving again. He started thinking abt Stan. 'He's never going to want to go outside ever again after that..' bill thought as he sighed. Bill felt extremely bad. This wasn't a feeling he loved at all. His partner was almost raped by the losers enemy all the way up from kindergarten to high school. His wedding ring was smashed in pieces which was probably heart breaking. And it wasn't just broken either it was literally shattered! Nothing was in tact especially the silver part. Stan was probably traumatized. Well who could blame him I would too!
    Bill arrived at the mall and was greeted by Richie and Eddie bored out of their fucking minds. Eddie caught the scene of bill and ran to him. Richie followed after catching up to the situation. " hey!" Bill waved back. "Let's go!" Richie motioned the group around. "Have you talked to him at all since it happend?"
"N n n no he is terrified out of h h h his mind and w w w won't talk unless I i I i it's me."
"Poor thing!" Eddie whined. Just the image of Henry bowers touching anything in any of their body's was horrific. That there was no exaggeration to it. Bill was half tempted to call him and just check in on him on the spot but he considered it rude. But he didn't care at the moment. All he cared about is Stan. Ever since Georgie died. Bill threw his hands up in defeat
"I i I I'm done with t t t t this shit!"
Eddie and Richie looked at him confused completely. Bill ripped his phone from his pocket and dialed his husbands number.


"Hey y y y you doing ok b b b babydoll?"


"Y y y you sure?"

"Yes babe I'm fine don't worry just get it done please I'll be fine!"

"P p promise?"


"O o o ok I trust y y y you I love y y you!"

"I love you more!"

" b b bye babydoll."


Richie and Eddie were gossiping. At each other and bill gave them a dirty look. "Y y y you two b b b better not be g g gossiping because I k k k know you Richie b b b by now about w w w what you call e e e Eddie." Bill smirked. Richie went completely red and Eddie snorted and almost fell to the dirty ass floor in the middle of a mall. Fast forward, bill was now driving hime with Stan's new ring and surprisingly he just got it replaced instead of getting a new one since the damage conditions were so extreme. Bill graced the workers and left. Obviously he
Couldn't forget about Stan's snacks and bought him his favorites.
Once he came back to the house he was greeted by Stan in the bedroom watching dance moms. He looked brain dead almost and showed no reaction to Abby screaming at Kendall which was his favorite dancer. This suprised bill to the complete point of Stan being absolutely and utterly traumatized by what Henry bowers had flashed upon him. All he wanted to do was go out and watch the damn birds for fucks sake! Apperently that was too much to ask for in the 2023's. "S s Stan guess what?"
"I i I got you a new ring! T t t the lady said t t that your o o o old one was in s s s such bad condition that t t t they just gave me a replacement for i i i it!" Bill smiled as dorkily as izuku midorya himself. Stan came to absolute tears and jumped on bill. "Thank you thank you thank you!" He exclaimed. "Y y y you're welcome b b b babydoll." Bill kissed Stanley's forehead. They ended up watching dance moms for the rest of the evening with the exception of bill cooking dinner for his husband.

Hope you enjoyed a little break from the chat fic chaos :)
Also I will try to write more benverly and more of mine Hanlon doing crazy ass shit

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