42. Unsub's identity

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"Dash, dash...is 'M'." Spencer kept an eye on what Y/N was tapping, while Rossi wrote down the letters.

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"Dot, dash...is 'A'." Spencer looked back at Rossi, who nodded.

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"Dot, dash, dot...is 'R'." Spencer spoke.

He kept watching Y/N's fingers. She kept tapping, but it wasn't letters that she was tapping.

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"Dot, dash, dash, dash, dash...is '1'." Spencer watched as Rossi took a moment to understand before he kept writing.

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"Dash, dot, dot, dot, dot...is '6'." Spencer told.

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"Dash, dash, dash, dash, dash...is '0'." Spencer kept watching the livestream.

• • • • •
"Dot, dot, dot, dot, dot...is '5'." Spencer finished.

"Okay...what do we have?" Penelope asked.

"3 letters - M, A, R." Rossi started.

"4 numbers - 1, 6, 0, 5." Emily continued.

"Garcia, I want you to search the giant list of Marco's associates and look for any names - male and female - with the letters M, A, and R." Hotch insisted.

"First and last names?" Penelope asked.

"Yes." Hotch nodded before letting Penelope go back to her office.

"What could 1, 6, 0, 5 mean?" Rossi exhaled.

"It could be an address, part of a phone number, maybe a numerical code..." Derek suggested.

"Hold on tight, Y/N. We're coming to find you." JJ looked up at the screen, watching as the unknown figure used a knife to cut small wounds into Y/N's legs and arms. Every few minutes, the BAU conference room was plagued with screams from Y/N as she endured the torture.

The moment the screaming stopped, Spencer sat down and used every inch of his brain to figure out what the numbers could be apart of.

Every hour or so, he'd leave the conference room to go and make sure Carter was okay - giving him food and drinks whenever he asked.

6 hours after the live feed was put up on the screen in the conference room, Penelope rushed into the room again, a look of hope on her face.

"I've got something!" She exclaimed.

"Okay, so I filtered through the huge list of names and managed to find 3 names with the letters M, A, and R in the first or last name. 2 males and 1 female." Penelope nodded.

"Names?" Hotch asked.

"Jamie Carrol, Samuel Russo and Marissa Davis." Penelope gave three names.

"I think we have our 'unsub'." Spencer stood up. Ever since Y/N was taken, Spencer had considered the 'stalker' an unsub.

"What?" Derek furrowed his eyebrows.

"For the past 6 hours somehow, without the unsub's knowledge, Y/N has been sending us two messages through morse code. First, it was the letters M, A and R. Then it was 4 numbers, 1, 6, 0, 5. About 2 hours ago, Y/N started sending a 3rd message - F, M, A, L. I'm going to assume that she's saying 'female', as in the unsub is female." Spencer explained.

"Marissa Davis." JJ's eyes widened.

"So we have our unsub, but that leaves the 4 numbers. Garcia, are there any addresses or phone numbers belonging to Marissa Davis with those 4 numbers?" Hotch asked, watching as Penelope shook her head.

"Just like Y/N, every single associate's background is hidden. I've tried searching, but I've come up with nothing, nada, zilch." Penelope exhaled.

"Okay. Maybe check all residences in the surrounding cities in and around Quantico - owned and abandoned - with those numbers." Emily asked, watching as Penelope sat down, typing away at her laptop.

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