35. An old friend

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A/N: I was inspired by a TikTok video (by criminal_minds_junkie) - about Gideon -  and this song they used, for this chapter.

When I suggested to Hotch that I go and find out who might've delivered the package, he agreed, letting me leave the BAU office. I made my way down to the ground floor of the building, starting my investigation. I talked to 4 Agents, none of them seeing the person's face which annoyed me.

That's when I moved outside. There's at least 1 or 2 security cameras located around each side of the building. I messaged Penelope, asking if she could gain access to the outside cameras. The unsub might have been more cautious with the inside cameras, but not with the outside cameras. Dialling Hotch's number, I exhaled, hearing his voice.

"What've you got, Reid?" Hotch asked, putting the call on speaker.

"There's 2 cameras outside the entrance that the unsub came through. I asked Penelope to get the feed. She should have them soon." I looked around, trying to understand how no one could've seen this person. I turned back toward the FBI building, trying to figure out if the cameras would've gotten a better view of the unsub.

"Reid, can you look around and see if there might be any access points that don't have a security camera, or cameras that aren't functional?" I heard Derek ask over the phone.

That's when it happened. I didn't see it coming. One moment my head was racing with any and all possibilities as to how the unsub got inside a government building undetected. But the next moment, my mind stopped. I wasn't thinking - at least...not about the unsub. My heart dropped. I suddenly felt lighter, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. But that's also when the pain shot through my body like a lightning strike. I tried to calm down - to figure out what I was feeling. My body was feeling tingly. The pain originated in my chest - dangerously close to my heart. I looked down and noticed a scarlet red liquid staining the white shirt that I was wearing. My body was losing blood and I didn't even notice. I wasn't freaking out.

My hand dropped my phone and I suddenly felt the urge to fall. It was like gravity was using ropes to pull my body down to the floor. I could hear the screen of my phone crack as I fell to the floor, my eyes beginning to close. I could feel my consciousness drifting away. I tried desperately to stay awake, to alert someone, but nothing. My mouth was open and I was trying to say words, but my voice wasn't working - like I had been put on mute.

The moment my entire body was hit the floor, I gave up. I gave into my desire to close my eyes.

"Reid, can you look around and see if there might be any access points that don't have a security camera, or cameras that aren't functional?" Derek asked looking at Hotch's phone.

The team and Y/N waited for Reid's response. After a minute of waiting with no response, Derek spoke up.

"Reid?" Derek called his name, but when no response came, the entire team looked at each other.

"Spencer?" Y/N called out, hoping that maybe he'd respond to her voice.

Silence. If it wasn't for the fact that everyone could see Hotch's screen - and it showed that Reid was still on the call - one might've believed that he accidently hung up. But that wasn't the case. Something had happened and Reid wasn't responding.

Y/N didn't hesitate. She bolted out of the conference room, hearing many footsteps behind her. The entire BAU team raced down to the ground floor of the building.

"Spence!" JJ called out.

"Reid!" Emily yelled, none of the team getting a response.

Y/N turned to the entrance to the building, seeing a body laying on the floor around 5 feet from the entrance.

"SPENCER!" Y/N cried out, seeing her boyfriend on the ground. She ran as fast as she could, seeing the blood stain on his back. She turned him over, horrified to see that he had closed his eyes and that the stain on the front of his shirt was larger than expected.

Hotch called 9-1-1 while the rest of the team tried desperately to keep Reid alive. Every passing second worried the team, but eventually, Reid was put into the back of an ambulance, barely hanging on.

I could feel my body moving around, although I had no control. I could hear voices around me as I slowly - but surely - bled to death.

Derek had just tried convincing me to come with them on vacation, and I rejected them.

"He look okay to you?" Derek looked at Elle, who shrugged her shoulders.

"He looks about the way I would if I was gonna spend two weeks with my family." Elle rolled her eyes as Hotch exited his office, a huge smile on his face,

"Hey, don't knock family. I'm gonna get nothing but for the next 336 hours." Hotch nodded, seeming very excited.

"Hey, good for you." Derek smiled.

"Haley's got a list of chores a mile long, and I can't wait. The biggest decision I got to make is what I'm gonna do first." Hotch exhaled, beginning to walk away.

"I bet you she has a thought or two about that as well." Elle smirked.

"Bring it on!" Hotch yelled as he walked off.

"I'll be lost in a cabin in the woods for the next two weeks. Do not call me for anything, have a great time. You all deserve a break." Gideon hurriedly walked in the same direction as Hotch, who was ahead of him. Gideon turned around and walked toward the team, exhaling.

"Seriously, don't call." Gideon insisted.

"Gideon." I exhaled, seeing his old mentor walking off.

"Gideon!" I yelled again, now running off to follow him.

"Hotch!" I called out, trying to get his attention. The moment I exited the bullpen, both Hotch and Gideon were gone. I turned around, trying to find anyone I knew. I turned toward Penelope's office, watching as she - with her back toward me - entered her office. I quickly followed her, trying to fight off the pain in my chest.

"I- I think I was s- shot and I hit my head and now I'm seeing things." I blinked a few times, watching as the figure who turned in the chair in front of me turned out to be Gideon, and not Penelope.

"G- Gideon?" I questioned, confused.

"Hello, Spencer." Gideon smiled, exhaling.

"You're here?" I was really starting to feel confused. He left the BAU years ago and I hadn't heard from him since. Why was he back here?

"Yes, I'm here...but not...here. If you know what I mean." Gideon spoke, cryptic as usual.

"So you're here...in my head. But not...here...in the real world?" I asked, watching as Gideon nodded.

"Y- You're dead?" I questioned, feeling my heart drop.

"You really are the genius I knew you were. That's why I trusted you with the letter that I left behind." Gideon chuckled.

"Y- You left the BAU. You left me. You left your life behind leaving nothing but a letter explaining yourself." I felt like crying.

"I'm sorry Spencer. I never intended to leave you the way I did. It just...happened." Gideon exhaled.

"So...you're dead...and I'm dying." I looked at Gideon, who nodded.

"On a happier note, I see you've met someone." Gideon smiled.

"Y- Yeah. Her name's Y/N, and her son's name is Carter." I explained, smiling slightly.

"Well, she makes you happy, so I'm happy. That's all I ever wanted for you, Spencer. I wanted you to be happy." Gideon explained as he guided me out of Penelope's office.

"W- Who found you?" I asked, confused.

"I...don't know." Gideon shook his head.

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