29. Honest conversation

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You didn't mean for this to happen. On Monday, you had asked Spencer if he would be able to babysit Carter while you needed to study. He accepted and went to ask about you ignoring him, but you quickly thanked him before ending the conversation. You didn't want to talk to him, at least, not until you could figure out what to say to him.

You called Carter's school and signed some forms allowing Spencer to pick him up from school. Every night, you'd pick Carter up from Spencer's apartment, quickly ignoring Spencer's requests to speak to you. That happened every night for almost a week.


On Thursday night, you arrived home from another long day of studying, desperately wishing that you already got your GED. At 6 PM, you put your bag down and turned toward the front door, intending to go and pick Carter up from Spencer's place. That's when you heard a knock on your front door. Confused, you unlocked and opened it, shocked to see Spencer standing there, Carter standing in front of him.

"Mommy!" Carter jumped into your arms, causing you to bend down and greet his embrace. You placed a quick kiss on his cheek before letting him inside.

"Thanks for dropping him off, Spencer." You smiled, wanting to close the door as soon as possible.

"B- Before I go, can I know w- why you're avoiding me?" Spencer asked, attempting to hold your hand. You let him, figuring that you needed to talk to him at some point.

"C- Come in." You gestured, exhaling. You watched as Spencer walked inside your apartment, sitting down on your couch.

"Carter, go to your room, honey." You asked, looking at Carter, who nodded and quicky ran off to his room.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked, worried.

"I've, uh...been feeling a bit uneasy, recently." You explained.

"Uneasy? About what?" Spencer questioned.

"About...us." You nodded.

"Why? Did- Did I do something to upset you?" Spencer asked, concerned.

"The other day, when I brought food for your team, I went up to Agent Hotchner's office to let you both know that I had brought food. But - I, uh, overheard you talking to him." You tried not to cry.

"How much did you overhear?" Spencer asked, curious.

"I heard Agent Hotchner mentioning that cases involving children always make him think about his son, Jack. T- Then I heard you explain that Carter reminds you of yourself." You started.

"When Agent Hotchner asked you about me, and my ability to raise my son, you told Agent Hotchner that you trusted my ability to raise him, but you didn't want Carter to grow up without a father figure like you did when you grew up." You exhaled.

"Y/N, I- I didn't mean it like that." Spencer tried to explain.

"I have a question for you, and I want you to answer me honestly. I may not be a profiler, but I've dealt with a lot of assholes to know when someone's lying to me." You eyed Spencer, who nodded, waiting for your question.

"Do you actually like me, or are you simply trying to be a father figure for Carter?" You asked the hard-hitting question, watching as Spencer leaned back, clearly thinking very carefully about his answer.

"Truthfully, both." Spencer answered, confusing you.

"What?" You questioned, furrowing your eyebrows.

"Look, Y/N. I really like you. You're the most unique woman I've ever met and you having a son makes you even more interesting. Every time I see you, my heart races. Every time I hear your voice, I smile. Being with you never ceases to amaze me." Spencer smiled.

"I like you, and Carter is just an added bonus. I love seeing you interact with him. Watching you be his mother is comforting to me. I never got a lot of that as a child. In all honesty, I want us to be together. Not just because I want to be there for Carter, but because I care about you and I like you...a lot." Spencer admitted.

"I like you a lot too." You smiled, pulling Spencer toward you.

"You do?" Spencer asked.

"Yes. I do." You nodded, his face inches from yours.

"That only leaves me with one question. Y/N, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Spencer asked. You could feel his warm breath on your skin.

"Yes." You nodded, placing your lips on his. He smiled, deepening the kiss between you both.

"How are we going to explain this to Carter?" You asked.

"He's smart, just like his mother. I'm sure he'll understand." Spencer complimented both you and Carter at the same time, which made you happy.

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