13. Seeing his face

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You and the BAU team listened to the whole recording 4 times. Every single time the recording played, you rolled your eyes unable to stand the idea of Marco using your son like he used you.

"Turn it off." You looked up at Agent Hotchner, who ignored you and rewound the recording. His voice rung in your ears for the 5th time.

"TURN IT OFF!" You stood up, slamming your fists against the conference room table.

"Until we have more of a clue as to what Marco's plans are, we need to keep listening to the recording." Agent Hotchner insisted.

"I heard what he said, Agent Hotchner! I sat right across from him and heard every single fucking word he said! He took me and gave me a new target!" You yelled at Agent Hotchner.

"This bastard expects me to kill the man who- who..." You sat down, beginning to cry. Without hesitation, Spencer sat next to you and wrapped you in a hug, which you were happy to return.

As you lifted your head up, you watched as Agent Jareau stood up, her hands on her hips.

"Okay, lets just...think about this. We can all agree that Marco wants Michael dead, right?" JJ questioned, looking around at the team.

"Right?" Agent Rossi nodded.

"Well, I say that we give Marco what he wants. He knows that the FBI have been snooping around, but he has no idea that it's actually Y/N helping us. He wrongfully assumed it was Michael. We kill Michael, and two things happen; Y/N gets closer to getting her son back and we get closer to taking Marco down." Agent Jareau suggested, making a good point.

"Adding to JJ's suggestion, Marco has devolved. He went from having Y/N killing specific targets using specific methods of murder, to having Y/N kill a rogue contract killer. He wants Michael out of his way as soon as possible and he hasn't instructed Y/N to use any specific method." Agent Morgan added.

"How exactly are we supposed to kill Michael? It's not like a contract killer like him is going to be lured out into the open easily." Agent Prentiss asked.

"Y/N contacts him. Tells him that she needs help with a certain target. He - with a little hesitancy - agrees. Y/N gives him a location, most likely an abandoned place, somewhere we can have hidden control. We bring along S.W.A.T. and they bring their best sniper. When the sniper gets the best vision of Michael, he takes the shot and down he goes." Agent Jareau smiled.

"Alright. Y/N, make contact with Michael." Agent Hotchner exhaled, handing your phone back to you. You messaged Marco, getting Michael's number.

You: Hi Michael. It's Y/N. I need your help with one of my targets. Marco let me contact you.

Michael: Who's the unlucky target?

You: It's best if I don't disclose any information over text. Who knows might be tracking us.

Michael: Very well. Where would you like to meet?

You looked at Agent Hotchner, who glanced at Penelope.

"Are there any abandoned buildings, parks? Places that won't be occupied anytime soon?" Agent Hotchner questioned.

"There's a mall about 20 minutes from here. It was closed for construction, but never actually reopened when construction was complete." Penelope typed away.

"Perfect." Agent Hotchner nodded, looking at you.

You: There's a mall...20 minutes from where I am now. It's abandoned. Meet me there in an hour.

You copied the address into the message. Your heart raced when Michael sent you a thumbs up emoji.

"Dave, you and Emily get the best sniper S.W.A.T. has to offer. They need to be at the abandoned as soon as possible. Derek, you and JJ get to the mall and surveil the area. We need to see where the best vantage point for the sniper would be. Spencer, I want you and Y/N to stay here for half an hour. After that, head to the mall, but drop her off 5 minutes away." Agent Hotchner instructed.

"By the time the hour is up, Y/N should be the only person with Michael. We'll all be nearby to keep an eye on the situation, but the moment Michael suspects anything, our mission is compromised and we CANNOT allow that to happen." Agent Hotchner continued.


When the hour was up, everything had been sorted. The moment Hotch ended the meeting, everyone went off to do what they had been told to do. Emily and Rossi got in contact with S.W.A.T. and gave them the location in which they were to set up their sniper. Derek and JJ went to surveil the mall, directing the sniper as to where the best vantage point would be. Spencer and Y/N remained in the office for 30 minutes.

"You're about to face the man who...hurt you. I know that you're going to want to hurt him for the pain he put you through. But, as much as you want to hurt him, you need to remain calm. This meeting isn't about getting revenge on him, it's about getting Michael out in the open so S.W.A.T. can kill him." Spencer held Y/N's hands, smiling.

"I don't think I can do this, Spencer. My brain wants him dead. He hurt me and because of him, I lost my innocence and the rest of my teenage years. But my heart can't stand the thought of my son growing up without a father, even if his father is a dick." Y/N exhaled, trying not to cry.

"Yes you can, Y/N. I believe that you can do this. Ignore your heart. Follow your brain. Your brain is telling you to kill Michael, which will get us closer to taking Marco down, but it'll also get you closer to being reunited with your son." Spencer smiled.

By the time 30 minutes was up, Spencer and Y/N hopped into an SUV and drove to the mall. 5 minutes away, Y/N got out. Spencer gave her a reassuring smile before driving off, leaving Y/N to walk on her own, getting some fresh air.

Y/N pulled out her phone and dialled Penelope's number.

"Hey, Y/N. Hotch just let me know that the sniper is in position and so are the rest of the team. All we're waiting on is you and Michael." Penelope explained before Y/N hung up the phone.

Y/N kept walking. She eventually reached the mall, standing in the middle of the run-down parking-lot. She looked up at the roof of the mall, seeing the sniper. He nodded to her, letting her know that he had eyes on her. Y/N spotted the team all separated around the area.

When the hour was up, Michael showed up, just like he said he would. Y/N exhaled.

"Hello, Michael. You remember me?" Y/N glared at Michael, who chuckled.

"Of course I remember such a pretty name like Y/N. You're one of the only women I liked." He smiled.

"How's the little one doing? Although, if my math is correct, he's what...5 now?" Michael questioned, acting all cocky. Right then and there, Y/N wanted to walk up to him and punch him. She wanted to beat him to the floor. But she didn't. Instead, she exhaled, trying to rid herself of the dangerous thoughts that were slowly creeping into her mind.

"Let's focus on why I asked you here. Marco wants me to kill a very low-risk family. As much as I love working alone, I need help." Y/N exhaled, watching as the smile on Michael's face turned into a smirk.

"Well, well. Marco's favourite killer is asking for help. How honest of her." Michael chuckled.

"Just...help me. Please?" Y/N glared at him.

"Alright, alright. Who is dying this time?" Michael asked.

Y/N had to think quickly.

"Andrew Summers. He and his family are my- our next target." Y/N looked at Michael, who nodded.

"Sure. Let's discuss the details." He smiled.

"Sniper, do you have eyes on the target?" Hotch asked as he whispered into his comms system.

"The target, Michael Shipley, is almost in view." The sniper informed the team.

"As soon as you have eyes on Michael, take the shot." Hotch instructed.

After 2 minutes of Y/N having to lie about murdering another family, the shot was taken. Michael stood still for a moment, his eyes wide, his mouth slightly ajar. He raised his hand up to feel around his chest, stopping when he pulled his hand away and saw the blood.

"Damn you...and your bastard son." He hissed before his hand dropped, his whole body dropping shortly after. Y/N stood away, not at all phased after watching someone die right in front of her.

This is what she hated most of all about being a contract killer. She had ended so many lives that the sound of a gunshot didn't even make her flinch.

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