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This is a long chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote, because they make me happy <3


44 | “Only she.”

Nina needed the time to collect herself from the intense moment she relished with Taehyung, she had to steal herself from the moment when she moaned so loudly for him without caring about the public indecency. She had to get out of the haze where his taste, something foreign and masculine flared in her tongue and made her see sky and heavens altogether. But was it easy to get out? Nah.

The romance books, the coffee, the academic stress and the fucking dancing wouldn’t help to calm the ruffle in her space. Taehyung was a virgin, he said it himself that he was saving himself for her as Nina still couldn’t wrap her head around it. It was too much.

Taehyung…. This man, without any doubt, was the bane of her existence.

Nina’s breaths stilled in her throat and every fabric of her being spruced up with attention. The tight coil around her heart melted into hot wax and dripped away because right in front of her bedroom door was standing the devil himself that she had been avoiding and failing miserably.

When Taehyung caught her standing there like a statue, a curl emerged in the corner of his lips and he crossed his arms and leaned against her door and tilted his head sideways in a flirtatious manner— he leaned? Yes, he leaned there with his white t-shirt stretched around to his shoulders and his hair all messy in every direction, some strands dipping over his eyes as if he just rolled out of his bed.

Oh my god, he was so effortlessly, offensively, and unapologetically beautiful.

It was so tough to dismiss his mighty presence and proceed with her work. Though normally she would easily slide into her solitary haze, blurring the world and the existence of others. But Taehyung was a different case, always was. Around him, Nina’s focus was splintered, it seemed like everything in her was required to react around him.

“Here she is.” Taehyung let out a love-sick sigh which caused her own lips to twitch but she smothered that smile before it could claim her face.

“Here I am.” Nina mumbled, rubbing her index fingers over her brows as if it would help to alleviate the mounting of her revved heartbeats.

“Princess, hiding from me? How adorable.” Taehyung scrunched his nose.

Goddamn, this blush and uninvited smiles and damn his deep voice, it was deeper than the black nights — Taehyung shouldn’t know about the mayhem he left behind her rib cage since the moment he took possession of her breaths and every inch of her skin. She didn’t want him to know that he was overpowering her, shattering her will along her soul.

The feeling of his mouth searing the sensitive spots of her body was still lingering and no matter how desperately she longed to get rid of his thoughts, they rushed back like a broken dam to crack a fresh tsunami into her head, leaving a pool of moisture between her legs and a mellow sensation behind her rib cage.

Nina wiped the distance between them, knowing pretty well that she was stepping in front of a devil’s leeway who could sink his fangs, devour her mercilessly and would not leave a crumb. She stood in front of him. Not so close that their chest could touch but close enough to smell his cologne. Woody fragrance with a hint of citrus, that was so masculine and enveloping and just like Taehyung.

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