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19| "A chink in the armour."

Taehyung's soulless eyes stared at the hospital wall, there were pictures of the old and recent patients, doctors and nurses. He wasn't interested in watching their faces, knowing their names, he wasn't even watching them, he was gaping in nothingness. 

Teahyung was wary about this mental asylum, it was an old building, he didn't know much about the history of this hospital. Also, he didn't like the atmosphere of that place. This place was cold and felt uncanny for some reason, Taehyung didn't even want to imagine the patients' screams and cries engraving in the walls, by the mere flash of thought he wanted to curl like a shrimp.

Everything in that hospital screamed spookily. A weird, restless hum vibrated in the back of his head, diverting his attention from the wall. The feeling was horrible and Taehyung wasn't relishing the way it was gnawing his bones. 

"Taehyung." He flinched upon hearing his name, a soft hand smoothed his back yet it wasn't enough to alleviate the anxiety burdening his shoulders. "Are you okay, baby?" Mrs Kim sat beside him, a soft smile coiling her pinkish lips as Taehyung grabbed her hand, she could feel his fingertips shaking while playing with her diamond rings embellishing her dainty fingers. 

"I'm just feeling jittery." Taehyung craned his head at his mother, trying to force a smile, but it didn't happen. For Taehyung, he didn't have enough energy to even assure himself, he had so many thoughts tangling into a web, trapping him, engulfing him.

"Everything will be fine, trust me. Come on, you wanted to meet her so badly. Cheer up and wear your best smile." Seon patted his shoulder and sat up, she swung her Chanel bag on her arm and decided to take a step at their destination. 

She blinked back at Taehyung who grabbed her finger, he raised his head at Seon. The boy's eyes were wide, painful, cramming with uncertainty. The golden ring around them was acutely sheeny. Seon got slammed by the clump of motherly emotions, her chest filled with tenderness. Seon remembered those words of her physician who had informed her that she was unable to get pregnant. Seon accepted the reality, she learned to live with this bitter truth.

She recalled the day when the fourteen years old Taehyung entered her life. That day Taehyung lost everything, however, that day Seon found everything in the form of Taehyung. She was completed, her wounded, affectionate heart was healed now, she was a mother. 

She still remembered how vulnerable he was, how he always clinging onto her because his life's calamitous events couldn't let him sleep at night. He was just a kid, he didn't deserve to be shoved in the pit of darkness where no one could hold him. Taehyung's father shouldn't ruin his life and Seon would relish the moment when she would see him suffering. 

Seon was never in love with Mr Kim, she never wanted to marry him in the first place. She was the only daughter of her parents, and she had the potential to lead their fashion company, she could offer so much with her skills. She was an ambitious, hardworking woman, she wanted to fulfil her dreams. It was her father who forced her to wrap up with Mr Kim with this so-called relationship. This marriage was nothing but a business partnership between two families, and in their path of success, Mr Kim ravaged Seon and everything that she had wished for. 

"What happened?" Seon crooned at her son, she cupped his cheek as Taehyung instantly leaned at his mother's touch like a puppy who needed comfort.

"I can't. I don't know how to face her." Panic clouded Taehyung's face, the thicket of emotions roared in his veins. His expression was closed, apathetic— reminding Seon of her husband, so analogous. 

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