Lucy Bronze x Reader (20)

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Lucy looked impressed, nodding as she was talking.

"That sounds fantastic, Joe.."

"I'm glad you agree! To be quite honest with you, YFN, you've been the lynchpin I've been looking for. I've been looking for someone with your experience and after reading your columns and seeing the interviews you've conducted, I'm beyond impressed. The research you put into your work, and the way you speak and ask questions to your interviewee's are smart, and incredibly respectful. I can see that's important to you, and it's very important to me. We shouldn't be asking the same boring questions, or we'll get the same media trained answers."

"Oh I completely agree. I was a bit worried at first that this job would encourage me to ask those simple and sometimes far too personal questions, so I'm really happy to hear you say that because people don't realise that we can go beyond the norm of interviewing, and still remain just like that. Respectful. Not only that, but players will be more willing to open up, accept interviews, and request us if they're comfortable around us. They'll also want to use us to get their messages across and I know that if we do this right, the momentum will build and more players will be using us to fulfil their media duties."

"Outstanding, that's exactly what I wanted to hear! We're so, so lucky that you happened to meet Katie so she could recommend you to us. We've been looking for you for quite a while."

YFN was a little embarrassed, she didn't know how to accept compliments and blushed. Lucy reached over and squeezed her leg in support. "Thanks Joe, that's lovely to hear. I hope I can live up to your expectations, and I'm excited to get started! It's a blank slate which means so much opportunity for the company."

"100% agree. Any chance you've found our website and social media accounts?"

"I did just before you called.."

Joe laughed again. "Of course, you have. Straight into work! Excellent. We're going to get along so well, I already know it. Our IT guy is Noel, and his contact details are in the email. Right now I've asked him to make the accounts all bare minimum, as I imagine you'll want to create a theme to follow.."

"Yes! Absolutely, so I plan on organising a meeting with the whole team for Monday, I just wanted to make sure you were happy with that first.."

"Yes, please! And just for the future, this is your team, your baby. Anything involving the creation of this, meetings, team logistics, etc, all of that is yours. Obviously I'll still like to be kept up to date with the progress and the plans, but to be completely fair with you, YFN, I run several businesses so I'm quite busy. This company is still in its start-up stages, so I'll have much more time for it, and I do have a soft spot, this is always going to be one of my priorities, however I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page with this."

"That's perfect, I'll send you through weekly updates and expenses, planning, coverage and everything we change or create along the way. I appreciate the honesty and the communication also, I think until we establish that solid footing, you and I will have to be in a lot of contact to ensure we're achieving the expected goals, and keeping everything in budget."

"You don't know how much this is music to my ears."

YFN laughed, feeling positive and happy with the plan thus-far. Joe seemed perfect, offering her everything and having the blind faith in her to start up the business almost from the ground, up. "I think we're starting at a good time, though. We're catching the start of the seasons, so it gives us time to iron out any issues before the finals for both the WSL and the Conti Cup. A good timeline will be for us to have full coverage by Round 5 on the Conti Cup, and January for WSL, covering both through to the Final. Then we should be fully prepped and running smoothly for the UEFA Women's Champions League."

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