─ 41. good girl

Start from the beginning

"Do you love her?" Victor asked suddenly, holding his breath, clutching the sleek phone in his grip harder.

"More than anything." Jungkook spoke honestly, without missing a beat.

Victor slowly nodded and smiled - even though Jungkook couldn't see it.

"Then fix it - tell her how you feel."

Jungkook felt his world stop, and the phone trembled in his hand.

"Are you giving me your blessing?" Jungkook asked lightly, trying to calm down his rapid heartbeat.

Victor rolled his eyes on the other end.

"Yes," he huffed, "I am. Just don't fuck it up. Tell her that our trip is being lengthened and if she tries to get out of it - have her call me."

A huge smile broke out over Jungkook's face, "Will do...thank you, Victor. Truly."

"Yeah, yeah." Victor sighed, "Don't make me regret this."

With those words; Victor hung up the phone.

"Wait – they lied just so I would have to stay here?" Elena pouted, picking her head up off Jungkook's chest as they rested on the couch - Dae playing on the floor in front of them.

A day had passed since Jungkook and Elena spoke - and they were taking things slowly. Jungkook smiled and rubbed his chubby cheek.

"But at least it got things cleared up, yeah?" he asked, feeling his happiness spike as Elena playfully rolled her eyes and snuggled back into his robust chest.

Upstairs, Munjin and Ae Ri were packing their things, getting ready to catch their flight back to California. Jungkook felt sad to see them go; but knew they had their own life back in California - and couldn't ask them to stay even longer.

"Are you okay?" he peered down at his sweet little Elena - who was quiet as she laid against him.

His beautiful girl peered up at him with her adorable shy smile. His hand tightened around her hip lovingly.

"I'm okay, Jungkook." trembles of ecstasy ran down Jungkook's spine at hearing his love call him by his name. "I'll just miss them." she admitted, plum pink lips pulled into a sad smile.

Jungkook hated seeing her sad. He carefully cupped her cheek in his hand and ran his thumb underneath her eye. "I know, sweetie." he sighed, giving her a gentle smile, "I'll miss them too." he said to her.

He was glad she got on well with his parents - and loved them as much as they loved her.

"Mommy," Dae chanted over and over giddily, holding a drawing in his little fist, waving it around, "Look!" he said, crawling into Elena's open arms.

Jungkook felt like his chest could explode due to love and happiness as he held his little family in his arms. Elena leaned against his chest, and Dae cuddled in her arms, careful of the braces on her hands.

Jungkook never got tired of hearing his son call Elena his mom.

He was complete.


8 PM

"Take care of them for me?" Ae Ri whispered to me as she hugged me one final time. I smiled softly and nodded.

"Of course I will." I swore, looking over to Jungkook who had Dae in his big strong arms - speaking and saying his goodbyes to his father.

"You're perfect for them," Ae Ri remarked, a calm smile on her lips, "I worried so much about them...but now I see I have nothing to worry about when you're around the both of them."

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