chapter thirty-five

Start from the beginning

"oh, yeah, we can do lunch again. same time?" he asks. i was trying to listen for any hint of disappointment, hoping i hadn't upset him. but it was hard to tell over the phone.

"that works for me." i smile, despite him not being able to see it.

"alright, i'll pick you up from your house tomorrow."

"perfect! see you then."

"bye, soomin."

"bye." i smile as i end the call.

"was that kara?" i jump at minho's voice.

"no, it was se— yeonjun." why did i lie?

"you hang out with yeonjun?" he furrows his brows. how much of the conversation did he hear?

"well... he's my brothers boyfriend now... so..." i give him a thin lipped smile.

"uh huh... you're not a good liar. you should work on that." he laughs.

"i-i'm not lying."

"sure." he nods, grabbing my chin, pressing yet another kiss on my lips with no warning.

"why do you keep doing that?" i ask before he had the chance to walk away.

"do you want me to stop?" he answers with a question.

"well no... i just-"

"good, cause i don't want to stop." he smiles, kissing me once again, lingering there for a few extra seconds before pulling away. he pushes a lock of hair behind my ear, smiling as he turns on his heels, walking back into the kitchen.

i quickly regather myself, following him into the kitchen shortly after. i had planned to ask him if he had feelings for me, but as soon as my eyes landed on soobin and chan talking animatedly to minho as they each grabbed a few slices of pizza, i lost all confidence to do so.

"hey, come get some pizza." soobin ushers me over. i send him a thin lipped smile, lazily walking over to them. my stomach growled upon seeing the pizza, but i really didn't feel like eating. my brain on overdrive with questions and emotions.

does minho actually have feelings for me?

was kara right?

should i cancel the 'date' with seungmin?

he didn't seem upset about me lying about who i was going to see, so maybe he didn't actually care?

"actually, i'm a little tired, i think i'm gonna head home." i tell them. all three of them looking at me with concerned expressions.

"o-okay, i'll drive you." soobin offers, placing his pizza down.

"no, stay. i'll walk." i wave him off, simultaneously declining any of the other guys potential offer to drive. 

"do you want to take some pizza home? just in case?" chan asks.

"no, that's okay." i shake my head.

"are you feeling okay?" minho asks, grabbing my wrist, turning me to face him, he presses the back of his hand against my forehead.

"i'm fine, just tired." i gently push him off of me. "i didn't sleep well last night." i lie. i slept like a baby, high on the sex from minho and chan.

"well, text me when you get home." soobin says.

"i will. bye guys!" i lazily wave to everyone, heading out towards the living room. just before i could grab my stuff, i was quickly pulled to the side by chan and minho.

"did we go too far?" chan starts.

"are you uncomfortable?" minho adds.

"guys i'm fine." i tell them.

"but you didn't sleep well? was it because of us?" chan's face contorted into worry, matching minho's.

"you should have stayed here if you weren't feeling good." minho half lectures.

"guys. it wasn't your fault. sometimes people just don't sleep well. i'm fine. i promise." i tell them, making sure to look into both of their eyes, being as convincing as possible. it really wasn't them, it was the feelings swirling around my mind. i didn't want to deal with them, all i wanted to do was sleep.

"at least let me drive you home." minho offers, chan nodding in agreement. that's the last thing i need.

"i want to walk." i shake my head. the two boys sigh.

"you're not gonna change your mind, are you?" chan asks.

"nope. i appreciate the concern, but i'm okay, really."

"fine. just make sure to text soobin." chan gives in first, turning to head back to the kitchen. minho stood there, lips pursed as he started back at me.

"text me too." he says before turning back to join everyone else in the kitchen. a sigh of relief escaping my lips as i finally gather all of my things and leave the suffocating house, thankful for the fresh air of the early evening.

i'm in desperate need of a hot bath and a glass of wine.

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