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           False opened her eyes and gasped. She was somewhere... else. Somewhere completely new. How did I get here? I was just going to sleep in my bed and then... False looked around. She was in a cave; its stony walls pressing in. She shivered and walked outside. The sunlight was harsh as she exited, nearly blinding her. False blinked several times. Well, I'm out, what do I do now?

           She wandered around, feeling tired. I need to find a house soon, or make one. I don't feel like just randomly knocking on a stranger's door right now. Hm, not that many trees around, though. I need wood for a starter base, or stone. Or really anything, I guess. But I need one before nightfall. 

           Then False was startled to hear the sound of voices. After double checking that they weren't just noises in her head, she cautiously walked over to where she heard the voices. Then she saw them. Eleven people, sitting around a campfire surrounded by twelve seats. A goblin, a witch, a person in colorful attire, an eleven-foot-tall man in a toga, a lady wearing a mask, and a few more people. False was worried about them seeing her, and ducked away, but they noticed her first. 

           The goblin bounded over to her, grinning. "Hello! What's your name?" He asked. False hesitated. He looked nice. But not everyone who looked nice could be trusted. Then again, it was just her name, and maybe this friendly-looking goblin could help her. "I'm- I'm False," She stammered. "Okay, False! I'm fWhip. Do you want to be an emperor?" fWhip asked, and False blinked. "Uh, what?" "We need a twelfth emperor!" The lady with the mask called from near the campfire. She pointed at the empty twelfth seat. 

           False considered her options as the little goblin explained to her what was going on. These eleven people had decided to claim a land as theirs and build their empire upon it, of which they would rule. False thought that she could do the same. She was a fairly decent builder, in her opinion, and a whole empire would be more interesting to look at than a simple starter base. She still needed a starter base, of course, but now she had a bigger goal to work towards. 

           And so that was how False became the empress and grand architect of Cogsmeade. 

Watching and Listening - An Empires SMP AUWhere stories live. Discover now