Public Display Of Affection

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The bell above the door rings, and your head snaps up. She’s right on time, as usual. You watch as she scans the diner for you, catches your gaze, and walks toward you. Her heels clack against the old, black-and-white tile floors before she reaches the back booth you’re sitting in. She shuffles into the seat beside you, her teeth flashing as she smiles at you.

“Y/N, you look beautiful. Have you been waiting long?” Her long, black hair cascades around her face in loose curls that bounce when she turns.

“No, Regina, I only got here a few minutes before you,” you reply, a blush creeping up your neck. She always manages to have this effect on you. “I’m glad we could finally have date night again; it’s been far too long.” She sighs, her eyes never wavering from yours.

“I’m sorry, Y/N… being mayor of Storybrooke has its challenges.” She pauses to take a sip of water. “Among other things.” You place a hand on her thigh, reassuring her.

“It’s okay, baby. I know it’s a lot to handle, but you are doing so well, and I’m so proud of you.” You shuffle closer and lean forward, your lips inches from hers. She closes the gap, pressing her lips against yours briefly. Regina isn’t one for public displays of affection.  At this moment, Ruby comes over to grab your order. Both you and Regina order the same thing, which is actually how you met. After Ruby leaves, Regina faces you, her mouth set with a determined look. “What?” You ask, confused. Color rises in her cheeks, a rare occasion.

“I-I have a confession,” she says, casting her eyes to the table. You wait silently, curious about what she’s going to say. She leans into you then, her lips ghosting over your ear. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you all day… I’ve been wet since the moment I sat down.” You bite your lip to stop from moaning, her words instantly turning you on.

“Are you serious?” You whisper back, barely able to maintain your composure. With your hand still on her thigh, she nods and shifts impossibly closer to you. You swallow hard, unsure how to process the information. You innocently begin moving your hand down to her knee and the edge of her skirt. “Do you want me to do something about that, darling?” The rosiness in her cheeks darkens, and her eyes cast wary looks around the mostly empty diner.

“Yes, Y/N…” Regina says softly, seemingly embarrassed by her words. Your hand slides under her skirt, caressing her inner thigh. She adjusts to spread her legs wider for you, and her knee brushes against yours. You look around again to clock the three guests in the diner plus Ruby and Granny. All of them are distracted or occupied and don’t even spare a glance in your direction. Good thing you chose the back booth today. With your hand barely grazing her inner thigh, you can already feel the heat coming from her core. You lean towards her again, and your lips brush the outer shell of her ear.

“Beg for it.” There’s a sharp inhale of breath that makes your pussy ache and throb. You love making the mayor submit to you.

“Please, Y/N. I need you,” she breathes out shakily. You inch your hand closer to her center and tease her outer lips to collect her arousal. You capture her lips with yours before using your thumb to rub tight circles over her clit. Her nails dig into your arm as you swallow her moans. A throat clears above you, slightly startling you. Regina freezes but you continue running your thumb over her clit. You smile at Ruby ruefully as she sets down the plates of food.

“Thank you, Ruby. This looks delicious,” you say, keeping your tone light and casual. Ruby nods and asks if there’s anything else you might need. “No, this is perfect!” As Ruby walks away, you glance at Regina’s fear-stricken face. “Relax, my love. No one suspects a thing…” You plant a kiss on her cheek. “You are doing so well for me, but now it’s going to get harder to stay quiet. Are you going to be a good girl?” You watch the praise wash over her and she squirms.

“Y-Yes, Y/N. I’ll be quiet,” she begs quietly. You tease her opening with two fingers and raise an eyebrow at her.

“Say it.” She bites her lip, her legs quivering. “I’ll be your good girl, baby. I promise.” When she finishes her sentence, you slowly insert one finger inside her.

“If I hear one sound from you, I’ll stop,” you warn, easing your finger in and out of her warm tunnel. She nods quickly, her hand gripping your arm. You add a second finger, and she rolls her hips against you, your palm rubbing against her clit. She’s soaking wet; if the sounds of the diner were quieter, you would be able to hear it. Casually, you grab a French fry off your plate and eat it slowly. She watches your movements, her plump bottom lip caught between her teeth. “Granny’s never fails. Their fries are the best,” you moan, licking the salt and grease from your fingers slowly. You catch Regina swallowing hard and you feel her walls tightening around your fingers. She looks at you, silently begging permission to speak. Grabbing another fry and popping it into your mouth, you gesture for her to talk.

“Fuck, Y/N, I’m getting close…” she says hoarsely. “Please don’t stop.” You finish chewing, watching her carefully. Her breathing is coming out in short pants despite her trying to cover it, her eyes are dark, her pupils are blown with pleasure, and her legs are trembling with the intensity of it all.

“Do you deserve to cum?” you ask casually, pulling another fry from the mountain on your plate.

“Yes,” she groans out. You increase your pace and press your thumb against her clit. She jerks from the sensation, the swollen bud sensitive from the pleasure. “Please, I need to cum.” A smirk plays on your lips as you listen to her beg. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Ruby making her rounds three tables from yours.

“Okay, Gina. I’m going to count down from ten and you can cum for me,” you state calmly. “Ten.” Regina squirms against your hand. “Nine.” You can see Ruby move to the second table. “Eight.” You curl your fingers against Regina’s sweet spot. “Seven.” Her eyes momentarily squeeze shut. “Six. You’re being such a good girl.” You watch Ruby pour coffee for the couple at the second table. “Five. Open your eyes, baby.” Regina’s eyes snap open, the honey-brown colour barely visible. “Four.” You push your fingers deeper with each thrust and curl them before you pull them out. “Three.” You press your thumb harder against her clit. “Two.” Ruby starts walking toward your table. “One,” you whisper just as Ruby reaches the table. You can feel Regina’s orgasm start as her pussy walls clamp down on your fingers. She buries her face into your neck to cover her moans. You push your fingers deep inside her.

“Everything good so far?” Ruby asks.

“Yes, it’s delicious, thank you,” you reply, keeping your fingers motionless inside Regina. Ruby shoots you a confused look with a glance toward Regina. “She’s had a long day.” Ruby nods and leaves. A few more minutes pass by before Regina lifts her head. You gently remove your fingers and begin sucking them clean, moaning quietly at the taste.

“Holy shit,” Regina mutters. “I can’t believe we just did that.” You kiss her briefly, sliding your tongue into her mouth, making her taste her cum.

“I’m proud of you. You did so well, my beautiful girl,” you compliment. She shifts in her seat. “I’m sure you’re starving now. Let’s eat before I delve into dessert at home.”

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