The New Kid

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Flipping the open sign around, (Y/N) rubbed his eyes tiredly, yesterdays round of prescriptions making him want to throw himself into Tartarus. As soon as he flipped the sign, the door swung open and a string of campers began to flow in. 

"Alright, form an orderly line or I'll mix up your medicine with some Hydra poison." 

Respect was a much welcomed attitude he had earned, being the greatest mortal healer and all. As soon as everyone was in a much orderly fashion, he grabbed his coffee mug and began a stroll towards his office.

The sterile, bleached room he had come to know and love greeted him with glaring lights and a stench of anti-bacterial hand cream. Tossing his clipboard aside and laying the Rod to one side, he called in the first patient of the day. 


The door swung open so brutally he thought it may burst off of its hinges. Casually pushing through the crowd on the other side of it was Clarisse, typical of her at this point. 

"Morning punk, got a broken rib I need ya to fix up" she bellowed out. 

Sighing, (Y/N) grabbed his Rod and bottle of pills, holding out both in either hand. 

"How'd you want to be healed, magically or modernly?" 

She stared at him as if he'd grown a second head. 

"Surely ya know me by now punk, whack me with that staff of yours and call it a day". 

Tossing the bottle back into its place with perfect accuracy, he pointed the war gods daughter to the bed in the room. Huffing in annoyance, she launched herself at the bed and began to mess with her pocket knife, a trait she and her brethren all shared when bored. Bringing the now glowing rod gently down on her chest, it emitted a glowing golden light before the snake wrapped so tightly around it hissed. Bringing back the rod, he struck the ground and Clarisse sat up. 

"Well, thanks punk, I'm sure I'll be back soon enough," she said, barging back through the crowd. This was life at Camp Half-Blood. 

At least the Rod made being camp medic less tedious. Healing broken ribs in a second or curing malaria at a touch made it easier. (Y/N)s day though couldn't be cured of boredom, as it was just all so... repetitive. Wake up, eat a balanced breakfast, provide medical care to the campers, maybe get some combat training in or have a little fun with camp activities, gather round the campfire for songs and s'mores and retire to his cabin. Almost 3000 years of this got, well stale. He was let out every could hundred years for a day or two, but Zeus's orders meant that was all. Today though, something just felt... different. There was a tense atmosphere in the air like a permanent cliff hanger and (Y/N) didn't like it at all. The last time something like this happened was the arrival of Herakles, so perhaps a new demi-god would arrive today? For now though, he was too busy to be worrying about another child as he was caught up in quite an interesting debate with Annabeth. 

"Believe me, I watched the construction of the Parthenon and there's nothing that can compare to it. I've had this conversation with many of your brethren over the years, but none have ever convinced me otherwise." 

Annabeth pouted a little, her facial features scrunching up in a cute way. There was an innocence in the younger generations of demi-gods, not exposed to the brutality of the real world. Well, he knew about how Annabeth got to camp, but she still seemed pretty oblivious about most things. She was like a younger sister to him, something few had ever been to him as they never really understood his curse to its full extent like she did. 

"Cmon, we gotta get you outta here, this doctors office must be doing something to your brain. Anyway, it's almost dinner and you're always going on about a balanced diet." 

Groaning, he rose up from his seat and made his way out of the room, led by the young daughter of wisdom. He squinted at the sky, hours of unnatural light did ungodly things to ones eyes. Waving at a few of the naiads and nymphs on his way to the mess hall, he picked up a few of the Apollo kids, always fans of his work and asking questions.

As the small group reached the mess hall, the welcoming sound of chattering and laughter could be heard. Entering, (Y/N) said goodbye to Annabeth and the Apollo kids before taking his rightful place next to Chiron and Dionysus. (Y/N) never used formalities with any gods he met, seeing it as fair due to his punishment for simply being his fathers son, but at least the gods recognised the unfairness to an extent and let it pass. Beckoning a nymph over, he threw on some vegetables, oily fish and black rice. Not the most delicious combination of foods, but a nutritious one to get the necessary vitamins, minerals and fats. He noticed the nymph serving him was blushing a little, something he had found to be rather common. Maybe it was because he had lived longer than even them, or maybe they were just like their flirty counterparts the Naiads, (Y/N) couldn't help but slip out of his professional personality and kissed her knuckles. People still do that, right? Luckily nobody saw, but the nymph began to squeal like a school girl and ran off. Unfortunately, Chiron must have seen her running away as he glared at (Y/N) accusingly. 


"(Y/N), you really shouldn't tease the nymphs like that, you know how they get," muttered Chiron, halfway through his veggie burger. 

Ever since their creation, he had been obsessed with them.

"Who said anything about teasing? Maybe she could be the one the Lady of Love is always talking about for me?" (Y/N) teased. 

The old centaur smirked a little, mumbling something about an 'insufferable son' that he couldn't quite make out into his meal.

When dinner was over and the camp fire songs were sung, everyone returned back to their cabins for well needed rest. Rubbing his eyes and stretching his back, (Y/N) slipped into a more comfortable attire, letting the Rod of Asclepius rest next to the head of his bed. Falling into the realm of Morpheus, he began to mentally prepare for the next day. At some point during the night, his door burst open as a certain young blonde girl began to tug (Y/N)s hand. 

"C'mon sleepy, we need you out there! A new arrival just defeated the minotaur!" 

Grumbling at the lack of sleep, he rose from his bed and grabbed his staff. Following Annabeth to the top of half blood hill, he caught a glimpse of a boy, no older than 12 with raven black hair and sea green eyes, barely conscious. As the boy slumped forwards it was only now he realised the severity of the situation, rushing to help him.

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