Hug Fest ❤️

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This was requsted by RobloxAddisonYT
Poppy and Branch decide to take their twins to Hug fest for the first time.

Poppy: Are you guys excited to go to Hug Fest!!

Hope & BJ: YEAH!! 😁

Branch: Well we better get going so we can be the first in line.

Poppy: Then let's go! 😄

Poppy then dragged Branch and the kids all the way to Hug Fest

Poppy: You were right Branch there's no one here yet.

Branch: Im always right. 😌

Poppy: Shut up Branch. Hi, can I get 4 tickets please?

Troll: Of course, that would be 40 hugs.

Branch: 40 HUGS?!?!!?

Poppy: Wait, I have coupons!!

Troll: Now your total is 400 hugs.

Branch: 😦

It took almost a hour to get inside because of Poppy's coupons.

Branch: Poppy, promise me that you'll never ever use your coupons again.

Poppy: I make no promises.

Branch: Fine. Ok kids, what do you guys wanna do first?

Hope: Can we play a game?

Branch: Yeah, which game?

BJ: Let's play that one over there. The prize is a gold fish!!!

Branch: I don't think you guys should have a gold fish, you won't take care of it.

Hope & BJ: Please 🥺

Branch: No you're not responsible enough.

Poppy: Come on Branch, let them have it.

Branch: I said NO!

Hope, BJ, and Poppy used puppy dog eyes 🥺 to try and manipulate Branch to get them a goldfish, and of course Branch gave in. He went over to the game station and he won the fish.

Hope & Bj: Thank you daddy 😁

Branch: Your welcome, but you have to promise to take care of that fish alright.

BJ: We promise. 😌

Branch: *To himself* That is gonna die as soon as we get home. 🙄

The rest of the day was fun, they spent time on rides, trying food from concession stands, and going to the gift shop. Branch ended up spending all of his money at the gift shop getting unnecessary stuff for his children and wife.

Poppy: We're finally home!

Branch: I spent the kids college savings at that gift shop 🥲

Poppy: Stop worrying Branch, they still have plenty of time.

Hope & BJ: DADDY!!!

Branch: What's wrong!!

Hope: Why is the fish upside down? He's supposed to be swimming.

Branch: I'm sorry to tell you this baby but the fish is..... dead.

BJ: But why is it dead?

Branch: First of all we got it at an amusement park, second, why did you put it in sprite?

Hope: I thought the fish would like soda and sprite looks like water but fizzy.

Branch: Oh my gosh, I can't do this anymore. 🤦‍♂️

The End
I hoped you liked it and sorry this request took this long to do, I hope it's enough. Love you guys, see you later ✌️💖

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