The Sleepover 💤

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This was requested by Sandrastar1. Thanks for the support. 😊
BroZone decided to have a sleepover at Branch's bunker. They brought games and food to make it the best sleepover ever.

JD: Are you guys ready for the best sleepover you'll ever have!!

Rest of the bros: YEAH!

JD: Let's get started. What do you guys want to do first?

Floyd: Let's play a game.

Bruce: What game should we play?

Clay: Let's play monopoly!

The bros were playing monopoly and let's just say it was a bad idea, John was yelling at people, Clay was in jail, Floyd was crying, and Bruce had no money. Branch was the only one who was having a good time because he was winning.

Branch: Haha I win 😁

Bruce: Shut up Branch, the only reason you won was because I kept having to pay you rent, now I have no money at all! 😠

Floyd: Let's do something else please.

Clay: We should watch a scary movie.

Branch: That sounds good.

Clay put on slasher movie and everyone was enjoying it, except Floyd. He was terrified.

Floyd: Why is this movie so scary ☹️

Clay: It's called a scary movie for a reason Floyd. Stop being a baby.

Floyd: Fine, I'm going to make the pizza so I don't have to watch this movie anymore.

Floyd went to the kitchen and started making the pizza. He was still kinda scared after watching the movie so he was paranoid. He kept thinking that someone was in the kitchen with him trying to get him. He saw a black figure move from the corner of his eye, he turned around to see nothing.

Floyd: It's nothing I'm just paranoid. I'm going to be fine.

???: Or will you 😈

Floyd: AHHHHHHH. Oh it's just you Clay. Why did you do that?

Clay: To prank you. Duh 🙄

Floyd: Well, people who prank me don't get pizza.

Clay: What!? I want pizza. ☹️

Floyd: Then say sorry for calling me a baby and scaring me.

Clay: I'm gonna not apologizing dude it was just a prank.

Floyd: Then no pizza.

Clay: Fine I'm sorry.

Floyd: See that wasn't so hard was it.

Clay: 😠


Bruce: Finally I'm staving.

BroZone ate some pizza, did karaoke, and then they decided it was time to go to sleep. The night was nice and calm until JD woke up. He woke because he heard some loud noises coming from the kitchen. He looked around and saw all his brothers sleep but Branch, he was gone. JD decided to investigate the kitchen thinking it was Branch making the noise.

JD: Branch, why are you up so late? What are you doing? *Turns on kitchen light*

JD turns on the kitchen light to see Poppy sleep walking in the kitchen making a cake.

JD: Poppy? When did she get here? Poppy wake up!!!

Poppy: AHHHHHH! *punches JD in the face*

JD: Owww why did you do that?! 😣

Poppy: You scared me. You know you're not supposed to wake up someone who's sleepwalking.

Branch: Poppy what are you doing? Let's go back to bed.

JD: Branch what's going on?

Branch: AHHH!! John I thought you were sleep.

All the ruckus that was going on in the kitchen woke up the other brothers too. So they decided to see what was going on in the kitchen.

Clay: Why are you guys being so loud? And why is Poppy here?

JD: Branch snuck a girl into his room while we were sleep. 😏

Floyd: Branch I can't believe you did such a thing.

Branch: It's not like that!

Clay: Then why was she in your room in the first place?

Bruce: And why are you only wearing your underwear?

Branch: Ummm 😳

JD: See you can't even answer the question. You are guilty!

Clay: Branch you're in trouble. Haha 😂

Branch: Come on Poppy, let's go back to bed.

The End
I hope you guys liked it. Have a blessed day love you guys ✌️💕

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