Adventures in babysitting pt. 2 🦸

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This was requested by CoralineBeetles Thank you😊
BroZone and Viva have to babysit Poppy & Branch's twins, Hope & BJ.

Branch: Hey guys can you do me and Poppy a big favor?

Viva: Of course Branch! What is it?

Branch: Can you take care of the kids please?

BroZone: NOOOOO!!!😨

Viva: Why not guys it will be fun.

Clay: No it will not. The last time we babysat them they tied us up and put duck tape on our mouths!!!

Viva: They would never do that. They're perfect little angels 😇

Clay: Fine. We'll take the job Branch. 😒

Branch: Thanks guys. 😁

The next day, Poppy and Branch dropped off the kids with Viva and BroZone.

Poppy: Thanks guys for watching the kids.

Viva: No problem sis 😉

JD: How long will you guys be gone?

Poppy: A week

BroZone: A WEEK!?!?!???? 😱

Poppy: Yeah. Is that a problem?

Viva: Nope not a problem at all. You guys are gonna be late for the bus you should get going, bye. 😁

Branch: Ok? 🤨 see you guys next week.

As Poppy and Branch left. BroZone started to leave too.

Viva: Where are you guys going?🤨

Clay: We're going away, from those kids.

Viva: What, you aren't gonna help me? 😕

Spruce: Sorry Viva but those kids are evil.

Viva: Do these look like evil kids Spruce?

Viva held up Hope & BJ to Spruce's face and the kids had the most innocent smile on their faces 😁

Spruce: Well no. But they are!

Viva: Come on guys please help me. 🙏

Clay: Viva, we are not watching them. They're mean. 😢

Viva: Please Clay.

Clay: No

Viva: Pleeeeaaasssee

Clay: No!!

Viva: I'll give you a kiss 😘

Clay: Fine I'll help 😠

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