Storytelling 🩷💙

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This was requested by CoralineBeetles and SweetGeline I combined your guys ideas since they were kinda similar. Thanks for the support

Branch and Poppy invited BroZone and Viva to have dinner with them and their kids.

Floyd: Thanks for inviting us Branch. 😊

Branch: No problem, just wanted to spend time with my family.

Floyd: That's nice Branch.

JD: So what's gonna be for dinner.

Branch: Spaghetti

Hope & Bj: YAY SPAGHETTI!!! 😁

Clay: I love spaghetti. 🤤

Bruce: When is it gonna be done?

Branch: I just finished.

JD: Yes, let's eat!

Everyone was eating and telling each other about their days. Hope and Bj started to get bored, especially when Clay started to tell a story about how he does everyone's taxes.

Hope: Uncle Clay, I'm not trying to be rude but your story sucks.

Clay: 😲

Viva: Yeah I agree, Clay your story is so boring 🥱

Clay: I can't believe you guys. Especially you Viva, you said you liked my stories about taxes.

Viva: I only said that because I didn't want you to feel bad.

Clay: 🥲

Bj: I know a better story. Mommy can you tell us the story about how you saved the world from the bergens?

Viva: Ohhh yeah that's a way better story. Tell us Poppy!

Poppy: Alright. It started when I threw the biggest, loudest, and the craziest party ever to celebrate 20 years of being free from the bergens.

Poppy continued on with her story telling them how Branch saved her and soon came along with her and how they saved their friends from the bergens and how Branch found his true colors.

Viva: Awww that story was so romantic at the end.

Bruce: I can't believe you were grey Branch I didn't know that could actually happen to Trolls.

Floyd: Yeah, we're sorry for what happened to Grandma if only I was there for you.

Branch: It's alright guys, I'm happy now 😁

JD: I have another idea for a good story.

Branch: What is it?

JD: Can you tell us how you saved the world from the rock world tour?

Branch: Sure why not.

Branch then told them how he and Poppy stopped Barb from turning the entire troll population into rock zombies and how he finally confessed his love to Poppy.

JD: That story was amazing.

Clay: Wow Branch, can't believe you were simp.

Branch: I was not a simp Clay. 😠

Clay: You totally were. 😏

Viva: Why did you wait so long to tell Poppy that you loved her Branch?

Branch: I don't know I guess I was just scared of rejection and I thought Poppy would never love someone as grumpy as me.

Poppy: Well that wasn't true. We're now married with twins.

Branch: Yep, I feel like the happiest troll in the world.

Poppy: Aww Branch come here.

Poppy forcefully grabbed Branch and to kiss him and they started to make out.

Hope & Bj: Eww 🤢

Floyd: Uhhh guys, we're still here. 🫣

Clay: Yeah please do that on your own time. I'm trying to eat.

Poppy: Sorry guys guess I got carried away.


                                     The End
I hoped you guys liked it. Sorry that the request took so long. Have a blessed day, love you guys ✌️💕

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