Lost in the forest 🌳 pt:2

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JaydeDog requested this story thanks for the support 😊 sorry it took so long.
One day Branch, Clay, Floyd were walking around talking but they weren't paying attention to where they were going and ended up lost in the forest.

Floyd: Guys I think we're lost what are we gonna do 😥

Clay: Don't be such a cry baby Floyd we're gonna find a way out of here.

Branch: It's alright guys I'll find a way out here. I know this forest like the back of my hand.

Branch was leading Floyd and Clay to where he thought was the way back home but he ended up getting them more lost.

Clay: I thought you knew this forest like the back of your hand, Branch what happened 😠

Floyd: Yeah you just got us more lost 😞

Branch: I thought this was the right way I don't know what happened.

Floyd: Let's just sit here until someone finds us.

Clay: That probably won't work.

Branch: Clay's right we have to send out a signal to someone.

Floyd: But how?

Branch: I these fireworks and when they explode it says "HELP"

Clay: What are you waiting for set the fireworks off.
While all this was going on, Spruce and JD  were waiting in line at a hot dog stand.

JD: We've been waiting in line for hours when is our turn 😫

Spruce: Stop whining it's only been 30 minutes.

JD: 30 minutes is still to long 😫

Spruce: Ooo look it's a firework.

JD: Cool, but why does it say help?

Spruce: Probably cuz someone's in trouble we should help them let's go.

JD: But we'll lose our spot in line we've waited to long to leave.

Spruce: Come on JD we have to help them

Spruce ended up dragging JD all the way to the woods where they saw the fireworks.

Floyd: No one's gonna find us. We're gonna die out here.

Clay: Floyd's right and I'm hungry so someone better come before I eat Floyd.


Branch: Guys calm down someone will find us and Clay don't even try to eat Floyd.

Clay: But I'm hungry ☹️

Floyd: Wait I hear something, maybe it's someone coming to rescue us.

Clay: I hope so.

After Clay said that JD and Spruce came out a bush seeing that it was their brothers in trouble

Floyd: Finally someone came. I thought we were gonna die 😅

JD: Don't worry guys we are we to save you

Spruce : Dude I literally had to drag you all the way over here you didn't want to come.

JD: That's not true. I'm offended 😠

Branch: Can you guys stop fighting and get us out here please.

Spruce: Sure thing bros

JD: After we get back let's get some hot dogs 😋

Clay: Awesome I was starving 🤤

The BroZone bros got back home safely and ate hot dogs to celebrate

The End

I hope you guys liked it. Have a good day bye ✌️ 💕

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