Sister day 👯‍♀️

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This was requested by SweetGeline Im so sorry it took me this long to finish it

Poppy woke up in the morning and looked at the calendar.

Poppy: Omg today's sister day. I have to go get Viva.

Poppy got ready really fast and ran all the way to Viva's pod to wake her up


Viva: AHHHH Poppy why did you wake me up it's like 7 in the morning ☹️

Poppy: Cuz it's sister day and we have to spend the whole day doing cool stuff together!

Viva: Cool but I could use at least 5 more minutes of sleep.

Poppy: Ugh fine 😒

Poppy waited for Viva to wake up and get ready so that they could spend the whole day together.

Viva: Ok Pops I'm ready let's go.

Poppy: Finally, let's go to the grand opening of Hug fest, you'll love it .

Viva: Awesome 😎

Poppy dragged Viva to Hug fest so that they could be first in line.

Viva: Oooh this place looks awesome 🤩

Poppy: I knew you would like this place. Where to you want to go first.

Viva: I want to go over there and win that huge stuffed bear.

Poppy: Cool lets go.

While Poppy and Viva went over to one of the game station to win the big bear, BroZone was at another station trying to win a gold fish for some reason.

JD: Come on Clay you just have to knock those cans over how hard could that be. 😫

Clay: I'm trying dude it's not my fault it's like that cans are glued together.

Spruce: Wait a second......

Spruce jumped over the counter to get the cans and they were in fact glued together


Troll running the station: No can do sir. There are no refunds.

After the troll said that Clay jumped over the counter and started to beat up the troll.

Branch: Dude what are you doing!!!!

Clay: I want a refund 😡

Floyd to Branch: We should just go their probably just gonna steal the gold fish anyway.

Branch: Your right let's go

Floyd and Branch started to walk away from the situation until Branch looked over and he saw Poppy & Viva. He decided to walk over to them but, he saw random guy walk up to them and he gave Poppy some flowers then walked away. When Branch saw this he was jealous so he started to walk faster to get to them quicker.

Branch: Heyy Poppy

Poppy: Oh hey Branchie what goin on?

Branch: Oh nothing. Those flowers look nice, where did you get them from?

Poppy: This guy gave them to me.

Branch: Does "This guy" have a name?

Poppy: I don't know his name. I don't even know who he is.

Branch: Are you sure

Poppy: Branch, do you think I'm lying?

Branch: Kinda, I don't think a random guy would just come up to you and give you flowers.

Poppy: Branch you know I'll never cheat on you. I love and care about you too much.

Poppy then gave Branch a big hug and kissed him on the cheek

Branch: I'm sorry I didn't trust you Poppy

Poppy: It's alright I forgive you.

Branch: I love you 💙

Poppy: I love you too 💖

The End

I hoped you guys liked it. I'm sorry it took me forever to make this. Bye have a good day ✌️💕

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