Time travel ⏳

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BroZone was chillin in Branch's bunker. Everyone was in a good mood except for Branch. Branch always looked grumpy but that day it was more sadness than grumpiness. No one noticed but Floyd.

Floyd: Hey buddy, what's wrong?

Branch: It's nothing I'm fine.

Floyd: You don't look fine, tell me what's wrong.

Branch: I SAID I'M FINE!! 😡

Floyd was surprised at this sudden outburst. Branch never snapped at Floyd.

Branch: I-I'm sorry Floyd, I don't want to talk about it right now.

Floyd: It's ok Branch you can talk whenever you feel comfortable. ☺️

Branch: Ok, t-thanks. I'm gonna go to my room now.

Floyd: Ok, see you later.

Branch walked to his room and slammed the door shut, everyone was startled and walked up to Floyd to see what happened. After that they heard soft and quiet crying.

Floyd: I really hope he's ok. 🙁

Clay: What's up bro, what's wrong with Branch?

Floyd: I don't know, he won't tell me. I'm worried about him.

Bruce: Um, I know someone who might help.

JD: And who might that be Spruce?

Bruce: How many times do I have to tell you that my name is Bruce not Spruce!! And I think Poppy might help us since she knows everything about Branch.

Floyd: That's a great idea! Let's go now! 😁

Floyd dragged his older brothers to Poppy's pod to see if she knew how to help Branch.

Floyd: Poppy, we need your help with something.

Poppy: Hi guys, what do you need help with.

Floyd: Something's wrong with Branch, he's sad but he won't tell me why. Maybe you might know what's wrong.

Poppy: Oh yeah, he told me yesterday that today was the day his grandma passed away. Maybe that's we he's sad.

Clay: I forgot Grandma died. How did she die again.

JD: I don't remember, Branch doesn't really talk about her.

Bruce: I wish we were there for him in that moment. 😢

Poppy: I might just know a someone to help fix that.

Floyd: Who will that be?

???: I think she's talking about me.

JD: Who said that?

???: It waassss me. Hey I'm cloud guy.

Floyd: Hi Cloud Guy, how can you fix our problem.

Cloud Guy: We could go back in time and see if you guys can stop Branch's grandma from dying.

Clay: I think it's best not to mess with our time line. That can ruin everything.

Cloud guy: It'll be alright, I know everything.

Floyd: If you think this will help Branch we'll do it.

Cloud Guy: Cool, come on guys and follow me to my Time Machine.

Cloud Guy walked BroZone into the middle of the forest and they saw a big futuristic machine.

Cloud Guy: This beauty is my one and only Time Machine.

Floyd: Cool now let's go save Grandma.

Cloud Guy: Wait emo boi I need to adjust the settings so that-

It was too late, Floyd already pressed a button that led them to the date their Grandma had passed away on.

JD: Woah, where are we?

Bruce: It looks like we're at the Troll Tree.

Clay: Hey look, it's Branch and Grandma.

Floyd: Aww, he's so cute.

As BroZone was soaking up little Branch's cuteness, they felt large footsteps coming towards them.

Bruce: What is that?

Clay: I think it's a Bergen.

Floyd: We better act fast to save Grandma so Branch won't be sad anymore.

JD: Ok, let's do this.

BroZone ran towards Grandma Rosiepuff and Branch to push them away from the Bergen. Floyd had reached Branch and tried to pick him up but his hand just went right through him. It was like Floyd was a ghost. He tried his best to save them but nothing worked. All they could do now is watch.

Floyd: No, it didn't work. Grandma is gone. 🥺

Clay: I can't believe we just saw that. No wonder why Branch is always paranoid , this is traumatizing.

Bruce: Why couldn't we save them?

Cloud Guy: Maybe if you would've listened to what I was going to say maybe you could've saved him.

Floyd: What were you going to say?

Cloud Guy: Before you pressed the button I was trying to say that I had to change the setting of the machine so that we could interact with the things of the past.

Bruce: Maybe we could try again with the fixed setting.

Cloud Guy: No can do surfer boy, I only have enough time juice to get us back to the present.

JD: Well we tried, let's go back home and try to cheer Branch up.

Floyd: Ok I guess, there's nothing else we could do. 😔

They all hopped back into the Time Machine and went back home.

Poppy: Hi guys, did it work.

Bruce: No it didn't. 😕

Poppy: Oh, I'm sorry guys.

Floyd: It's ok Poppy. We're gonna go back to the bunker and try to make Branch feel better.

Poppy: Ok, I hope that works. Bye guys.

Floyd: Bye Poppy.

BroZone went back to Branch's bunker to find him still curled up in a ball in his room crying.

Floyd: Hey Branch. Ready to talk.

Branch shook his head no.

Floyd: It's ok, you don't have to. Poppy told me what was wrong and I'm sorry about what happened to Grandma. I wish I was there for you.

Branch: It feels like she died because of me. It's all my fault, if I had just payed attention maybe she'll still be alive today.

Floyd: Hey it's not your fault. Somethings are just out of our control and we can't always fix them.

Branch: Thanks Floyd. 🥹

Floyd: No problem bud. I'll always be here for you.

Branch: I love you Floyd.

Floyd: Hehe, I love you too Branch. 😊

                                   The End
I hoped you guys liked. Love you and have a blessed day 💕✌️

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