I couldn't attack Kezess right now, I still don't know if I can take him on in a fight. If I tried now and failed, I might be killed for sure, because I know for a fact if he wanted me dead, he would have sent all the dragons possible to kill me. I knew I could take on Windsom, I didn't know if I would win, but I could hold my own.

Windsom entered the portal then we followed, there was a flash, then we appeared in what looked like a cabin. In front of us, sitting in a chair was Kezess, his eyes scanned us as Windsom left the room without saying a single word. Lady Myre was behind him, holding the chair, staring at Arthur with what looked like a smile.

"Leave us." Kezess said, and Lady Myre joined Windsom, then I blinked and Kezess was standing up. "So, the two of you came. Virion Leywin, the blood mage, the Devil." Then he turned to Arthur. "And you, Arthur Leywin, I am told has mastered multiple elements of aether."

"Fuck you." I said, causing him to look at me with anger. "Why do you want to see us? Is it because three of your dragons got killed?" He was still staring at me, then he vanished, appearing right before me.

"Watch your mouth." He told me, causing goosebumps to form on my body, this feeling was great. "I could still decide to kill you both right here and now, I would mind your language around me."

"Veer." Arthur said, sending me a head nod to stay calm. "What do you want, Kezess?" Arthur said his name, causing a hint of anger to appear. I blinked, and he was back in his chair, his eyes scanning us both.

"I'll never be able to understand and use your blood magic." He spoke to me, then turned to Arthur. "But you, I heard a lot about your exploits with aether, and that is something I would like to hear about." He paused for a second, and in that second, I realized I didn't want to stand, so I conjured a stone seat for myself and sat down in it across from Kezess, he gave me a look, but went on. "I have a deal to make with the two of you, and before anything is said, you should know that some of my clans are asking for your heads for what the two of you represent."

"Hahaha." I laughed out loud. "I could see that, who, the hamadryads, the pantheons, it's one of them most likely." Arthur conjured a seat as well next to me, realizing this was going to be a serious conversation, even though I was leaning back in my chair nonchalantly.

"That doesn't matter." Kezess said, waving it off. "All that matters is that you know I could send an army of dragons to Dicathen to kill you all if you two don't comply." He is fucking threatening me, I should just blow this cabin up, it may kill him, might kill Arthur though.

"We wouldn't want that, now would we." Arthur said, I just stayed silent, making sure to keep eye contact with the asura. "What is it you would like to talk about? What is this deal you would like to make?"

"Another alliance." Kezess said. "You will receive a promise that I won't attack anyone in Dicathen, and in exchange, you, Arthur Leywin, will show me all you know about aether." If that was the whole deal, why the hell did I have to come? "In addition to that, I want to know the name of the person who killed my three dragons, and I want to know more about them. I also forbid you from making Aldir an ally, as he is now an enemy of all asuras."

Arthur and I looked at one another, already knowing that Aldir had left them, it was something I told him a while ago, of course, I never told him I was after the world eater technique. I needed Aldir's memories, and enough of his blood, but Raven and Nithe failed. I didn't blame them though, Aldir is a top tier Asura, an asura I don't think I could kill with ease.

"Is that it?" Arthur asked, and he nodded his head. "Well, it does seem like a fair arrangement." It really didn't, he wouldn't attack us if Arthur gave him knowledge into aether to make him stronger, then in time, he would simply just attack us anyways, I wasn't stupid, I hope Arthur wasn't either.

My Beginning After the End Four ArmiesWhere stories live. Discover now