Book 1: The Immortal (Y/N), Healer of Heroes

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Ever since he could remember, (Y/N) was a medic. Raised by a centaur in a cave, he had never known a life outside of being a demi-god. He had seen thousands of heroes come and go, some achieving feats immortalised in the roots of history and others choosing a more quieter life. (Y/N) knew of his father, the great god of medicine Asclepius, but had never met him nor his mother. His only family figure in his long life had been Chiron, who was a great teacher and had come to love (Y/N) as if he was his own. Speaking of teaching, (Y/N) had learnt a great deal of knowledge from the old wise horse, ranging in combat skills to the practice of healing. It was healing that drew in the young boy, his nature being to help the sick and wounded of the world. With plenty of time to perfect his art, (Y/N) became a muse of the sort to doctors and nurses around the globe throughout time. His sister, Hygeia, was another source of medical expertise frequently visiting him to provide tutoring, even if it was against the will of the sky god.

(Y/N) had moved from the forests of Arcadia to the heart of civilisation that was Rome, even to the streets of industrial London. However, it's his current home that inspires the demi-god the most. America, Long Island. It's only been 100 or so years and it's so refreshing. A hub of global culture to freely enjoy, where (Y/N) can freely practice the arts of medicine without risk of persecution or accused witchcraft. Camp Half Blood feels right to be here, hidden away with a lush forest and a shimmering lake. As said earlier, it had only been 100 years in (Y/N)s endless labour, yet he had seen so many come and go. Some only stayed for a few years before leaving to explore the world on their own, off to fulfil their glorious destiny. What was lost in time spent with demi-gods however was made up with plenty in just their sheer number. At some points, around 100 of them attended the camp, always keeping (Y/N) busy. 

Over the years, he had grown... attached to certain campers, but like a cruel twist of fate's dagger, they would always perish when he wasn't there to help them. It would always push him further though, determined to better himself for the future. That was after all his hamartia, his fatal flaw; guilt. Luckily, no one had died for a good few years, so his conscience was put to rest for the time being. It was actually this generation of heroes that was one of his favourites so far. Demi-gods driven to their limits and beyond to impress their parents, but always ending up on (Y/N)s porch, sick and wounded. That was a perk of working as Chiron's right hand man though, having his own cabin. A cosy and secluded area for him to rest that magically moved with a camp.

From the scraps of information he received from Olympus, it was apparently Aphrodite who put forward the request of his cabin. The two had a strange relationship, with the love goddess constantly prying into (Y/N)s love life and messing with his rare romantic escapades. Back to the demi-gods though, a few had perked his interest as captivating characters. There was Clarrise La Rue, child of war with a violent tendency, constantly sending new patients to him, including herself quite often. The two had mutual respect for each other, as (Y/N)s experience gave him unexpectedly good combat abilities. Another case would be Silena and the entire Aphrodite cabin. They constantly nagged him for details about their mother and were always checking in with him about their 'oh so perfect physiques'. Someone with a completely different view on their godly parent was Luke Castellan, the best sword master (Y/N) had seen in years. A scar he once got made him (Y/N)s favourite patient for a while, extracting remnants of Ladons poison for 'medical reasons'. The real reason was he had grown a passion for biology, and had developed a morally questionable fascination with the use and experimentation of diseases, poisons and toxins. But anyway, he had grown relatively close to the blonde Hermes child, but not too much as he had seen demi-gods come and go in the blink of an eye. Last but not least was the daughter of Athena, Annabeth Chase. The 12 year old intellectual is a truly fascinating case, what with he early arrival to camp and similar closeness to Chiron. She and her dagger were a truly fearsome combination, but it was her mind that is Annabeth's greatest weapon. Similar to those before her, she spent many days with (Y/N), sometimes staying up late into  the night simply to discuss the sciences. 

Everyone had potential, but few do the most possible with theirs. With the Rod of Asclepius in one hand and a clipboard in the other, (Y/N) was determined to prove himself worthy of freedom to the eyes of Olympus and escape into the mortal world. He just had to enable a certain someone else to do that. Who that is he had no idea, but it had been almost 3000 years, what's a few more to find out?

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