chapter 24

25 3 4

The sunlight entering the room through the lunette kissed me and made me to open my eyes

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The sunlight entering the room through the lunette kissed me and made me to open my eyes. And the first that I saw after opening my eyes is the face of the girl I wanted to see every day. She was looking like a small kiddo. Her arms wrapped around my body. Her head resting on my left hand. Hair strands are brushing over my face. The bandage around her head gained my attention. It reminded me of the pain she had gone through and she is going through.

I blinked my eyes and the tears running down my eyes fell on her left cheek. Then I realized that I was tearing up. I immediately wiped her cheek. My touch made her open my eyes. She slowly raised her head and placed a kiss on my neck.

I bent closer to her ear and whispered “what are you doing baby girl? You are making me go wild”.


“Yeah you are”.

“Neil do men also get butterflies when a girl touches them".

“yeah we do also feel butterflies when the girl we love touch us. It raises our heart beat like yours. And the feeling is so beautiful that our mood lights up”.
She gave me a small smile. And asked “you will never leave me right?”

“why do you think so?”

“Just like that”.

“don’t worry you have been captured by me for the rest of my life. And there is no way out for you. One more thing there is no vacancy for others to enter”.

“I didn’t ask you for others”.

“I know but its my responsibility to inform my girl".

“its getting late go to your room now".

I looked to her giving a sad face. But she didn’t bother me and look to the other side. What has just happened now? Why am I asked to go out of her room. I was so busy in my thought and I didn’t notice when she got up from the bed and turned to the other side where she was sleeping before. I brought my lips to kiss her while closing my eyes. I couldn’t feel her lips on mine so I opened my eyes to see her. But she is not there. I immediately bit my lips to act to like nothing happened. 

  Then suddenly I heard giggling sound from the corner. I strange away shifted my focus to that side. And saw her laughing full heartedly. This made my day. It’s been so long since I saw her laughing from her heart. It enlightened my mood. I gave her a smile and left the room.

“my highness brekky is ready. Come fast".

I have arranged the table and sat down while waiting for her to come down. I was looking through my mobile and heard her footsteps approaching me. I kept my mobile aside and looked  at her. I got up and went to her. I helped her to sit comfortably and fed her.

Mom has fixed us the doctor’s appointment for Ina. And we both were waiting in the waiting hall. The doctor had to attend an emergency surgery in the morning so we need to wait for her.  my mobile rang indicating a call from my secretary.  I answered the call but I was unable to speak in casual tone. As so many patients were there. I need to attend the call. So I excused her came out to answer the call. The call was about the investors we needed for the new project. So it took a couple of minutes to discuss.

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