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The waiting hall is full of silence

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The waiting hall is full of silence. Only prayers are audible in the hall. Everyone are waiting to hear a good news from the operation theatre. A father is eagerly waiting for the moment to hold his little one. A brother is waiting to see his siblings with whom he is going to have a countless fights and lovely sharing in the future.

In the hall which is filled with silence suddenly hears the cries of the little ones. Tears were rolling out from Madhavan's eyes after listening to the cries. The operation room door opened and the nurse came out holding a baby in her hands.

"I am sorry to say this to you sir we could only save one of your child and other one is no more" said the nurse.
After listening to this Madhavan's world is completely shaken.

"what are you telling mam this can't happen at all? And how is my wife?" asked Madhavan. "she is fine sir you can go and see her" replied nurse. Madhavan goes in bearing tears in his eyes. He was broken inside after seeing his princess lying lifeless in the crib. He goes near to her and took her into his embrace and he was unable to control his feelings so he placed her again in the crib.

Madhav's wife Anu gave birth to a twin girl and boy for second time. The boy is okay with his health but the girl child didn't open up her eyes and no heart beat was heard from her.

After sometime Anu came into conscious and questioned Madhavan about the children and there was no response from him. She asked him again but he remained the same. She sensed something is wrong and looked the whole room and she found her babies sleeping peacefully in the crib. She went to the crib to hold her babies and then she picked up the boy child from the crib and placed a kiss on his forehead. She laid him again in the crib and she took the girl child into the embrace and she couldn't sense her heart beat and this gave her a weird sign.

She made her ear near to the baby heart but she couldn't hear a single beat from the baby.

This made her wail with pain of losing the baby. "No this is not happening she was alright before also I have felt the two of them movements in my stomach. She pleaded the doctors to look into her and save her. Madhavan tried to control her but he failed to do so. A man loves his children in the same way a women loves them but he can't express it in the same way a women express it.

After sometime Anu passed out due to stress. Madhavan's brother Manohar and his family visited the hospital to console them. Manohar meets his brother Madhavan and he explains everything to him. Manohar and his wife Swapna are consoling Anu and meanwhile Manohar's second son went near to the crib in which baby girl is sleeping. He wanted to touch the baby so he touched her little fingers and as soon he touched her there was a little movement in her. He went little close to her and placed peck on her fore heard. As soon this happened the baby started to cry and everyone was shocked by hearing that.

Adi screamed "mom I think so she doesn't like me as soon as I placed a peck on her she started crying mom". Everyone were so happy hearing the cries of the baby girl. They were so shocked by hearing those cries and doctors also that it is a miracle.
Anu immediately ran to Adi and hugged him tightly and asked him if he wanted to hold his little sister. He nod his head indicating yes. She handed him the baby and Madhavan's elder son Anay also took his baby sister in to his embrace. Anu asks Adi and Anay if they will look after their sister or not? They both promised her that they will always protect her.

From that onwards the baby girl was adored by everyone in the house. She was named as INA as per Adi's suggestion and the boy was named as Rehan as per Aanay's consent.

Madhavan and his wife are blessed with Aanay, Rehan and Ina. And Madhavan's first brother Krish and his wife Diya are blessed with Nihan and twin brother and sister Vidyut and Nitya. Mahi and wife Swapna are blessed with Avi and Adi.

The time flews by and all the children grew big and settled well in their life.
Anay became a police officer like his father. Rehan took after his mother's company. Ina became a architecture and started her own company named RIVAN.

Nihan became a prosecutor like his dad. Vidyut and Nitya became a doctor. Avi took after his dad's news channel. And Adi started his own company and runs a NGO.

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