chapter 13 My choice

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My eyes spotted her on the bed lying unconscious. I couldn't figure out anything. I immediately rushed inside the room to see how she is by pushing him to side. I went near to her and sat beside her on the bed. I tried to wake her up. But no response she is unconscious. I took her into my embrace and wrapped my Jacket around her. My concern for her came out in the form of tears. My anger level rose high out of its standards not because I saw her with someone else its because of my concern towards her. I just want to ensure she is alright. I took her into my arms. And headed out. Then I suddenly felt someone extending their hand to not let me go.

I looked to them and said "move away".

"you can't take my girl like that" said the guy.

My blood pressure crossed its limits and went near to him and held his neck and said "dare to say that again. I will slit your tongue I promise".

"Are you insane Neil? She cheated on you with some one else but you still care about her".

"mind your tongue Ms. Disha. I am not going to listen any word against my girl. I trust her and I will do. No matter what I will only believe her words than my eyes. I want you to mind your own words if you want to be alive" I shouted.

I headed out with her in my arms. Then I heard her saying "Neil please come fast" in her unconsciousness. " I am with you baby. You are safe now". My tears which are filled with love, concern and anger slowly got cooled down by touching her cheeks. I slowly made her sit in the car and bent down near to her to tighten the seatbelt around her.

I felt like I was drowning in a sea by seeing her like this

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I felt like I was drowning in a sea by seeing her like this.
And kissed her on forehead and whispered "I love you my highness. I swear I will burn everyone who made you cry. I promise".

I started driving from there and within less time we reached to her house. She was still unconscious. I got down and took her in to my arms. I knocked the door and rang the bell. The door revealed showing Adi and Reehan.


"Neil what happened to her is she asleep?" asked Adi.

"I will explain".

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