─ 38. don't let the hard days win

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"Look at me, Elena." he commanded, drawing my gaze to him. Willingly, I met his eyes and held my breath as determination was evident in his.

"I have no way of knowing what'll happen, baby. I really wished I did. But I do know one thing; only you can decide what breaks you. Don't let the hard days win."  

My lips twitched into a smile at his wise words - and felt my chest lift. He was right. The future was the the biggest unknown; but even if it was bad news I got today...I couldn't let it drag me down into depression and let it break me.

Don't let the hard days win, Elena.

"Do you feel better?" he mused, still kneeling in front of me - a soft grin on his lips. I nodded and leaned forward and carefully wound my arms around his neck and hugged him.

No matter how confusing things were between us...as odd as it was, Jungkook was just what I needed at that moment. I missed him desperately.

His breath hitched and suddenly a chuckle escaped his lips when his hands held my hips in his hands.

"As soon as we leave; we'll go and get some of your strawberry yogurt drink, yeah?" he said, drawing a happy grin on my face.

"My favorite!"

Jungkook slightly winked at me and took the seat beside me once more.

"I know, sweetie. You'll get through this." he squeezed my knee, "I'll always be right beside you, okay?"

"Okay." I smiled and placed my casted hand on top of his huge tattooed one. I ignored the way Jungkook's eyes shot down to my cast that was over his hand, and smiled to himself.

"Elena Morgan?" a deep voice asked from the doorway. My heart jumped in my chest - seeing an elder man, in a white doctors coat - standing in the doorway with a smile.

"That's me." I greeted, "How are you, Dr. Quinn?" I asked, remembering the way who worked closely with Dr. Roberts.

Dr. Quinn smiled warmly, "I'm doing just fine - Phil sent over your X- rays from a couple days ago...but I want to take some more to be sure."

While the nurse took me away for x rays, Jungkook gave me another soothing smile and started to speak with Dr. Quinn.




Jungkook bit down on his bottom lip and concealed his worry as Dr. Quinn sawed through the cast around one of Elena's hands. He knew the doctor was experienced with removing the casts - but it still worried him knowing that there was a sharp blade near Elena's tiny hands.

He schooled his feature indifference to not make his sweet little Elena worry. He knew how anxious she was to get the news concerning the healing process of her hands, and he prayed and begged, and pleaded for news to be happy. For her.

Elena nibbled on his bottom lip as her bare hand came into view - now void of the intense swelling and bruising.

Dr. Quinn took a while, observing her hand and smiling. "Good news is that you're hand is healing correctly - but we still need to keep an eye out on your middle finger...both of those fingers had an open fracture wound, correct?"

Jungkook felt anger bubbled within his body as his baby flinched - no doubt overcome by memories, and nodded her cute head.

Jungkook kept his gaze on Elena while Dr. Quinn spoke with her on how to properly take care of her hands.

─ limitless ; jjkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ