Chapter 13: Racing To Witch Mountain》

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Chapter 12: Racing to Witch Mountain
○○ Seth's POV. ○○
I was laying here in the RV getting some shut eye saving some energy before the long hiking Dr. Alex told us we're going endure to get to the mountain with my mind all on Katriona.  I never knew in all my time of living lightyears away I would find her. My mate. My life.

It's crazy how sometimes fate seems to bring people together in mysterious ways. Particularly in a town like Vegas. At first I didn't want to believe it since it's rare for an alien to have a human mate and I was all set on the mission me and my sister came down to accomplish. Nevertheless, I'm glad I did cause Katriona is the best that ever happened to me.

I'm happy to call her mine and nothing is going to ever change that.

She's my sunshine.

My light of my life.

And I never want that ball of light to fade away.

"Ok guys," I heard Jack got up from the drivers seat with Alex getting Sara up. "It's time to rock and roll. Wakey, wakey!"


We've been treading in the wilderness for a long time working our way to the mountain, practically we're racing to witch mountain to get to where the base is hidden which is about five miles from where we started at.

I overheard Jack talking to Alex about his past. He made some not so good choices growing up, was in and out of foster care and did alot of street racing to make money and was in jail alot and being targeted by mob leader Wolfe who is targeting him believing there was unfinished business but that's all I picked up.

"There's gotta be another entrance," Jack said lying on his belly while spying on the entrance to the facility with binoculars from where we are on the cliff that overlooks the base. Passing the object to Alex whom is next to him to peek into it to. They both got up and went over to us.

"If the maps right," Alex began, "There are several service tunnels spreading outward." "Alright, let's go blow this popsicle stand!"

I heard Sara gasp I spun around to see her softly say Jack's name then collapse, not moving. "Sara!" I was about to go to her aide when I felt what seems to be a wasp sting on the side of my neck. I clutched the spot and felt myself get woozy. Black dots filled my vision and felt my body give out on me.

○○ 3rd. POV. ○○

"Seth!" Jack exclaimed.

Government soldiers scrambled in from every which way and down the side of the mountains with guns and weapons in hand and armory vehicles.

"Mr. Bruno and, I believe Dr. Friedman," Henry Burke came in all his glory. Shades and all with his men behind him.

"What did you do to them?" Alex interrogated him with Sara in her arms. "Consider yourself lucky. A couple of soldiers picked up an unconscious Seth and carried him to the back of the vehicle. "I could have had you both shot on sight for trespassing and violation of U.S. government property." Other soldiers walked by them. One carrying Sara bridal style. "KIDS!" Jack knocked a soldier out with and another trying to get to them. "Ah!" He fell the ground when a soldier hits him on the back with the gun and another solider uses his gun to whack him across the face.

Alex ran and helped him up. "Here you go, alright." She confronted Burke to negotiate, "Sir. With all due respect, you have to listen to me. Those two came in peace and their friend is human. We cannot respond with violence. The future of Earth depends on it. It is absolutely vital that they get home."

Burke takes off his shades. "They are home, Dr. Friedman." He responded coldly in a I don't care kind of way,
"They are now in my custody."

Alex repeated the word 'custody"' in disgust. "You can't expect to keep them prisoners and get away with it. They have rights, they're childre-"

He interrupted her. "They're illegal aliens on U.S. soil, without so much as a passport The Patriot Act enables me to detain them for as long as necessary wait...huh...where's the other one."  "She was shot," one of his crew told. "She's probably already dead."

"And you're saying that Katriona is illegal to? She's not an-" He interrupted her once again. "She is fraternizing with them and was seen communicating with the creature without even opening her mouth, and since she's probably eliminated I'm not going to fuss over it." "You can't keep this quiet. The world has the right to know they exist," "And you're going to be the one to blow the whistle, doctor? A failed astrophysicist fired by three universities for obsessing over UFO's, teams up with an ex-con and a teenage girl in declaring that the government has captured two normal-looking kids and is holding them hostage inside a mountain that doesn't exist?" Shakes his head. "It would be so much easier to let you speak than to deal with all the paperwork involved with killing you." "You're not going to get away this, mark my words." "Oh, I already have."

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