Chapter 3 - Down The Rabbit Hole....I Mean Basement 》

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Chapter 3 - Down The Rabbit Hole....I Mean Basement

I Mean Basement 》

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○○Katriona's POV.○○

The sky slowly started to change from orange, pink to blue as sun set behind the mountains being replaced with the moon and stars. I lost track on how long it's been since the chase and we're still in the middle of nowhere. The cab scavenging through the treacherous mountain plains and never ending winding dirt roads.

"We're here Jack Bruno." Sara spoke.

I glanced to see nothing but a run down old shack that looks it has not been lived in for no telling how many years and probably needs a lot of patching up to do. I can't imagine what the inside looks like.

"Here?" Jack confusedly asked, "There's nothing here but a beat up shack." He approached the shack and parked in front of it. "Somebody is expecting you right?"

"Don't worry Jack Bruno. We will soon be reunited with relatives." Sara assured then took off her seatbelt.

I faced Sara concerned. "Are you positive, it looks like nobody is even home or even living here."

She nodded.

"Okay, seven-hundred twenty and fifty cents." Jack read the meter, "But after everything that went down today, how about I knock off twenty percent and-" "Here." Seth cut him off by placing a huge wad of cash in Jack's hand and got out of the cab along with Sara. "Ok, then good-bye to you. too."

Something in my gut was telling me to follow them but I'm not sure if I should or not. I shouldn't even be here. I can't even think about the look on my mom's face when she finds out.

Oh wait, I'm never going to hear the end of it.

I let out a faint groan where only I can hear it, rubbing my forehead frustratedly already dreading going home.

Looking down at the cash, "Five-hundred tip." Jack said. "That's reasonable."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He sigh heavily, opening the door. "They overpaid. I have to pay them back."

I got out to.

"Hey! You guys over a lot!" Jack yelled slamming the shut and inspected the damage, "Unbelievable."

We jolt our heads back at the sound of a glass breaking inside the shack.

"What the heck was that?"

"Stay right here." Jack ordered as he started to make his way to the shack muttering. "I did not sign up for this." And "I don't get paid enough for this."

I followed anyway ignoring him its better than sitting in the smelly cab doing nothing.

The old stairs creak on each step I take. Jack and I entered the pre-historic home. We stepped over sharp broken glasses and around old furniture.

"Hello?" I called out walking around the sofa. I gasped when I felt a hand grasp my wrist and felt myself being tugged to the floor behind the sofa. My grey-blue orbs meeting the blue orbs of..

"What are you—"

Seth raised his pointer finger to his lips in a hush motion before jumping up and blocked a swing from Jack with a broken table leg he used for defense.

"Jack Bruno, you shouldn't have jeopardized your life by following us." Sara whispered.

"What sort of trouble are you guys in?" Jack asked.

"It's none of your concern." Seth snapped, sort of harsh." I suggest you both return back to your vehicle. Your transportation services are no longer required."

"None of our concern?!" I snapped back. "You said," Referring to both of them. "You had relatives living here." I pointed out throwing them off, "And the last time I checked I didn't even see any cars parked or anybody here."

"Seth, they're only trying to help." The girl whispered to him.

"We don't need their help. Someone has already been here looking for it." Seth said, "They said we can't trust anyone. Just us, Sara."

 "Who's they?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

Sara shifted her gaze to me and Jack. " We appreciate wanting to help Jack Bruno, Katriona Davine. But my brother is right, we can't involve you no further."

The device Seth has been playing with beeped. He checked it. "Got it!"

"Let's go!" Sara replied, getting up.

Sara followed her brother with me and Jack following behind.

"Hurry up." Seth said as the beeping on the device started getting louder on each step we take. It led us to the kitchen, Seth opened the refrigerator and placed his device on it. A couple of seconds later it lit up and beeped. The shelves in the fridge moved away revealing a passage.

"What is that?" Jack asked.

Seth, Sara, I went in with Jack debating whether or not to go in. "Don't go inside the pimp-out fridge, Jack." He came anyway going down the rabbit hole....I mean basement stairs, swatting cobwebs away.

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