Chapter 9: Smells Like Teen Spirit》

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Chapter 9: Smells Like Teen Spirit

○Katriona's POV.○○

The next morning, I woke up to hearing Junkyard growling, getting on Jacks nerves. Not opening my eyes I listened in on their conversation. "Sara." I heard Jack.

"He would appreciate you pulling over so that he can relieve himself." Sara translated. "Well, we don't have time for that," Jack snapped, "He should have went before we left Stoney Creek." The dog growled again. "He isn't pleased with your attitude." "Really? Is that the way he feels? You remind him that I'm a man and he's a dog. And I'm not about to have this conversation with a dog. So my answer is still no."

Opening my eyes, I lifted my head up off Seth's shoulder where I may or may not have slept on. "Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Mister Taxi driver," I butted in. "Unless you want there to be a puddle the size of Lake Michigan to clean up, then I suggest you re-think that."

It didn't take him long to pull over and let Junkyard out and watched him take off across the clearing. If possible, his eyeballs would be floating around in his eyes for holding it in to long. I stepped out and stretched my stiff muscles for a bit before we continued the trip. Sadly.

Junkyard came back from doing his doggy thing. He hopped in the back, taking my spot, so I had no choice but to sit in the front seat.


We haven't even been on the road for even that long when Jack noticed that the tire light on the dashboard is showing that one of the tires is low. So he had to go check to see there is a hole in it that may have happened when we were being fired at.

Great, more problems.

Just perfect.

So Jack had no other choice but to find another shop to get the cab otherwise we were all going to be stranded. When he got the cab checked into a decent auto shop he learned it was going to be awhile since they had other vehicles lined up.

"Junkyard be still!" I exclaimed trying to get him to be still so me and Sara can get him clean. There was no way Junkyard was sleeping with us without being clean. Jack decided to check us into a four star hotel for the day since he is exhausted from the driving and the cab being in the shop much to Seth's dismay. He assured him that Dr. Friedman is still going to be there tomorrow at the UFO convention. He got us two rooms. One for him and the other for me, Seth and Sara which I didn't mind cause I'm still exhausted and need a break from the road.

Be still we're almost done." Instead of doing that hopped out of the bath splashing us with water and soap and out the bathroom. "Junkyard no!" "Come back!" We chased him out in the room which is not to big and not to small and shielded ourselves when he began shaking more water. "Brace yourselves!"

"At least he's clean." Seth said wiping water off his face.


Right now I am in the middle of doing Sara's hair, putting it in a French braid after drying the floors and ourselves singing along to the music playing on my phone.

Me and Sara had a mini girls day. I had fun showing her variety types of music. I've managed to turn her into an Imagine Dragons fan with the second being Sara Bareilles. I also told her about the mall and all the fun places she and Seth needed to visit.

InfinityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora