Chapter 8: Rush 》

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Chapter 8: Rush

○○Katriona's POV. ○○

A scream and clicking compelled me and the aliens snapped our heads in unison at what's going on to see the government, police and half the men with their weapons pointed at each other. In the center is no other than Henry Burke. The band and the singer stopped performing to see the mess unfold. Nobody stayed a single word. It was so quiet you could hear a pen drop.

I didn't realize how hard I was breathing until Seth covered my mouth. He used his other and tugged on my hand and quietly led me and Sara over to where Jack is hunched down behind one of the wall then uncovered my mouth.

"You're making a big mistake, Sheriff." Henry Burke spoke.

The Sheriff retorted, "I'll take my chances."

"Dude, I told you I should have a gun." A pudgy government member added.

"Now might not be the best time to bring that up....dude." The other member next to him told him.

"This not good," Jack said.

"Not at all." I said turning away and stopped when I saw Tina standing there.

She shushed us with her finger on her lips, checking behind her the waitress whispered. "Follow me." We sneakily followed her down a hallway and pushed a door open revealing a ladder leading to the roof. She pointed up to the trapdoor on the ceiling. "Up there." 

"Thank you." Sara thanked Tina.

I did the same. "Thank you so much."

Tina took our hands and squeezed them. "Good luck and send your world my best wishes."

My eyes widened a bit.

She's an alien to.

Jack went up the ladder to open the trap door and tried to open it. It wouldn't budge. Great, just great. He grunted struggling. With a huff he came back down "It's locked from the outside. We got to find another-" Seth climbed up. "Hey, hey, hey!" Seth continued to the trap door he reached his hand up to the door and it penetrated into the door, unlocked it and pushed it open. "Or we could do that."

"My brother has the ability to control his molecular density which allows him to phase through solid objects or withstand the greats of impacts." Sara explained to us.

"Noice." I said in awe and climbed up the ladder, took hold of Seth's hand and let him pull me up onto the roof. We rushed over to the edge there in the back of the restaurant where a single trailer was sitting. Jack hopped onto the trailer and onto the ground and helped me and Sara down first. Seth however instead of needing assistance he jumped down and landed perfectly on his feet.


Jack saw a sandy fur colored dog looking at him. "Hi little fella." He greeted flashing his teeth. This set the dog off barking and charged at him. "NICE POOCH NICE POOCH!" Scaredy cat hid himself with his arms waiting for the sharp, pointy canines to make contact. It didn't happen. He saw the dog is getting attention from Sara and I.

"We appreciate your understanding." Sara said rising from the ground along with me. "Let's go!!"

"Eddie!" Jack exclaimed, "Times up we gotta go."

The Hispanic man Eddie looked up from the hood of the cab. "Go? I still have of work to do on her."

I darted into the passenger seat in the back and put my seat belt on. Closing the door, Sara used her powers to slam the hood shut. "Next time we're in town, I'll make an appointment." Handing Eddie the loan of money, Jack revved the engine to life. "Want my card?" Eddie offered.

Jack denied it.

Backing out of the garage we hauled off down the road with the government SUV hot on our tail. Again. This time there were more of them than there were the other day.

"Not again." I muttered.

Don't these guys have anything better to do?

A hobby perhaps?

"Theres to many of them to outrun," Jack said. Sara threw her hand out blowing up the SUV's one by one and two by two. "Whatever you're doing keep doing it."

"Say good-bye to Stoney Creek!" Jack put out. The cab slowed down. "What? No, no, no! Not now! Not now! Come on! Sara? Sara are one of you doing this?" Opening the door on her side the same dog from earlier came aboard and onto me his heaviness made me oof. "Sara I said-" He trailed off his jaw dropped when he saw it. He chuckled. "Oh! Absolutely not! This Junkyard is not going with us! I am done picking up stray passengers!"

He immediately changed his mind when bullets were being fired at us.

"Those guys who were chasing us," Jack began once were on the road, "Were the same ones from the highway right?"

"Yes." Sara replied.

"It is vital you take us to their base of operation." Seth instructed.

I did an eh?

"We have to Kara." Sara telepathically told me. "It's the only way to get our ship back."

"You want me to take you to the guys who are trying to kill you?" Jack questioned flabbergasted. Seth nodded that he was correct. "Let me explain to you how we do things here on Earth, take notes. People who want you dead, you avoid." That way you...mmm.mmm." He shrugged, "Stay alive. Make sense?"

I made an image in my head doing a motion that Jack was being cuckoo-cuckoo. Sara agreed with me.

"No one on your planet will stay alive if we do not return to our planet." Seth explained irritated by Jacks concur behavior. "In order to return, we need our ship. Those men who were trying to kill us have stolen our ship. Make sense?" .

"Guys!" I snapped the both of them immediately shut up. "Stop bickering like children fighting over a toy in a damn daycare, it won't help us get out of this mess."  I feel like I'm babysitting except I'm not getting paid.

"Where do we suggest we begin our search?" Sara asked him.

"I don't suggest we begin searching at all," Mister Grumpypants answered simply. "I do suggest we go back to Vegas and I drop you off where you got on and I go get a brain scan." Looks at Junkyard. "You to,"

Junkyard who is now in the front seat whimpered.

Poor Junkyard.

"It's just as I thought, no human is gonna help us, Sara."  Seth said disappointedly.

"Excuse me?" I may be human but it doesn't mean I don't wanna help.

Seth looks at me. "Besides you." His sister agreed hooking my arm with hers.  "Just not this human." Referring to Jack Bruno.

Jack once again looked at us in the mirror. "Hey. Easy on the human-bashing, ok? Some of my best friends just happen to be human. Even if I helped, I wouldn't know where to begin. I don't know anything about UFO's or aliens or-"

Sara cut him off. "Who's Dr. Alex Friedman?"

Jack moved his mouth up and down. "She's actually somebody who can help. And, for the record, she happens to be human."

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