Chapter 1- Katriona Davine》

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Chapter 1 - Katriona Davine

(Outfit Katriona is wearing)

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(Outfit Katriona is wearing)

○○Katriona's Pov.○○

(This story is set in AU 2018)

I sat quietly in my room writing in my Gryffindor diary on an early Tuesday morning. I'm not always this up early but I did not have a good night sleep for some odd reason.

My phone alarm that I forgot to turn off began playing Middle by Jimmy Eats World. I turned it off and checked the time on phone which is 8:30 A.M. Putting my dorky glasses on I slid out of my cozy, warm queen size bed and made it up before getting dressed in jeans, my long sleeved navy top, my maroon athletic hoodie and my converse.

I went across the hall to my master bathroom and brushed my long thick wavy reddish-brown hair that reaches down to the middle of my back and put it up in a ponytail and brushed my teeth.

Once finished, I put my diary into my secret shelf located in the back wall of my good size walk in closet. My room is decent size with crème colored walls light. I had a Harry Potter Gryffindor flag hanging on the wall by my bookshelf full of books with a tapestry hanging above my bed, a rustic polished nightstand on the other side of the bed with a tall floor lamp next to it.

I walked out into the hallway of my two story house to the kitchen. I liked the house its really nice and open. It was not too big nor to small with four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a big master kitchen and master living room, a laundry room and a walk in pantry.

Upon entering the living room I saw my mother rushing around the room in a hurry.

"Morning rush?" I joked.

She looked at me. "The Dean at the college called us into a meeting, I wish they would have called earlier instead of the last minute."

"That's work for ya."

"Tell me about it, do I look ok?" She asked referring to her business attire including a sleek dark pants, a nice champagne colored top with dark cardigan to match. Her hair that is a same shade as mine is up in a bun, "Is it too much?"

I shook my head. "You look fine Mom."

"Ok I want you to work on your school work."

"I will."

After she left, I grabbed a Cinnamon roll from the pan on the marble kitchen bar for a small breakfast. I'm not always hungry in the mornings. I went back to the living room just in time for show News Alert on Channel-13 flash on the flat screen.

"Casey Smith back with a news alert and accident happened near Searchlight."

The news lady appeared live from the scene with officers, squad cars and yellow caution tape in the background. "Officials are calling it the worst chlorine spill in state history. A five mile perimeter has been established. Highway patrol officers have been re-routing traffic since the early morning hours, and we're now being told this section Route 95 will be closed indefinitely. Natalie Gann reporting."

Meh. Probably a coincidence.

Turning the T.V, off I went back to my room, pulled out my laptop and flung myself onto my comfy lounge chair and worked on my schoolwork until it reached 11:30 A.M.


I found myself out in the warmish-cold weather streets of busy Las Vegas not taking me long to reach downtown, only live about ten minutes away. 

When I first moved here I wasn't too fond of the busy city since I come from a small town and I don't know after living here for a while its sort of grew on me like a vine growing on a tree.

Usually Mom would take me herself but when it comes to mornings like this I have to rely on myself.

I thought about going to the convenient store to get a drink until I thought about going to the local cafe instead since it's been a bit since I last went and I'm craving that dragonfruit drink. I placed in my ear buds and scrolled through my playlist and picked out Demons by Imagine Dragons looking up at the towering buildings that seems to almost touch the clouds.

When the days are cold

And the cards all fold

And the saints we see

Are all made of gold

When your dreams all fail

And the ones we hail

Are the worst of all

And the blood's run stale

I want to hide the truth

I want to shelter you

But with the beast inside

There's nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come

When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

As I was walking I saw a bunch of people dressed in space costumes some were dressed up as Luke Skywalker, Storm-troopers and characters from Doctor Who and Star Treck, the list goes on. I swear Las Vegas always has highlight of events ever here no matter what corner you turn on. Well what I can say, it's Vegas!

I stepped out of the way as one person dressed up as Darth Vader was fighting with another dressed up as alien with fake light-sabers.

"Watch where your going kid!" Darth Vader rudely snapped.

I scoffed.

Rude much?

I looked both ways I signaled the Taxi coming my way. "Hey Taxi!"

A yellow taxi cab with a sign advertising Nationwide stopped for me. I ran and climbed into the backseat and shut the door.

"Hi, I need to get to the Mystic Cafe please." I told him giving the driver with patch of dark hair, tan skin and a body of a wrestler. His business tag reading Jack Bruno.

"Alrighty." He replied proceeding onto the location.

While he is driving, I leaned my head against the window and scrolled through my playlist and switched to another song pulled out. I sensed there was someone other than the driver in this vehicle. Slowly but surely, I turned my head to my left and jumped a little when I saw a boy and a girl who looks my age sitting right next to me....

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