Getting back together

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I woke up to a pillow in my face. "Are you insane!! You are not getting back together! Get up!" Pansy yelled. "What?" I asked confused. "What is he doing in your bed!?" She yelled and he woke up too. "We just fell asleep." I told her groaning. "Get out." I told him.

"What? Why?" He said confused. "Get!" I told him and so he did. "I'm sorry." He mumbled as he closed the door. "Pansy!" I threw a pillow at her. "I'm just looking out for you!" She told me and she sat down on the bed with me. "We were just talking, that's all." I told her.

"Okay." She said and I cleaned up and got ready for bed.

The next morning I sat with Pansy in the great hall. "Look at her, she is so miserabele." We were looking at Donna. "She must miss us." Pansy said curious. "Probably." I sighed and ate a bit. The boys joined us, Theo on my left, Draco on my right.

"Morning Sweetheart." Theo said and I smiled. "Morning Princess." Draco said. "Morning handsome." I told Draco with a kiss on the cheek. He smiled down at his food and looked at me one more time before eating.

When I looked to my left, I saw an annoyed Theo. "You okay?" I asked confused. "Perfect." He told me and we continued eating. After we were done we stood up and grabbed our stuff.

Draco grabbed my hand at the same time Theo extended his arm and said. "Come on we have Defence Against The Dark Arts." I looked back and forward to the two. "Well, come on darling." Draco said and I walked with him, still holding his hand.

We entered the classroom. "I feel weird, I mean, a different teacher instead of my father?" I told Draco. "You'll be fine, just sit next to me." He told and so I did.

Mad-eye Moody introduced him self, he looked and sounded a bit off. I spoke to him sometimes when he would come over to talk to my parents. He was talking about the unforgivable curses and I felt a lump in my throat. He showed us the imperious curse and he used a spider for it.

Draco was laughing at Ron, it was quite mean, I looked at the scene in fear. "What are you laughing at?" Moody asked Draco and he dropped the insect on his face. "Get it off, get it off, please, babe please!" He yelled like a child and I tried but it wouldn't budge until Moody took it off. "Are you okay?" I asked him and I stroke his cheek. "Fine." He nudged my hand away and fixed his posture.

Moody performed the Cruciatus curse and Neville looked very disturbed. It was awful to look at, he ended the lesson with The killing curse. I looked in fear and a tear slipped out of my eye. "Come here." Draco grabbed my hand underneath the table and I laid my head on his shoulder.

The class ended and Draco packed my stuff for me. "Let's go." He told me while I was still staring ahead of me. "yeah." I mumbled and he grabbed my hand. We had two other classes and I was very quiet. It was time for lunch and me and Pansy were walking together.

We entered the great hall, it was different, the cup was in the middle now. "Cedric!" I heard people yell. "What does he think he's doing?" I asked shocked. "Yeah!" his friends yelled after he put his name in. "Is he out of his mind!?" I asked Pansy when sitting down next to Hermoine.

Then, Fred and George came bursting into the great hall. "Well lads, we've done it! Cooked it up just this morning." They said together. "It's now going to work." Hermoine mocked. "Oh yeah? And why is that Granger?" Fred asked. "You see this? This is an age line, Dumbledore drew it himself." She stated. "So?" George asked. "So, Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something as pathetically dimwitted as and aging potion." I scoffed. "Exactly." Hermoine backed me up.

Of course they tried it, of course they failed terribly. They looked like two old men. "Nice look Weasle." Draco, Crabbe and Goyle laughed at them. "Pathetic Losers." Draco scoffed and it made the other two laugh again. "Come on babe, it's a joke." Draco said softly as I passed by him angerly.

I walked over to the twins and got them to the hospital wing. When I got out of there, there was someone waiting for me. "Come on, I'm sorry." He grabbed my hand and I rolled my eyes.

"You're a real foul git you know?" I spat and he stepped back shocked. "Excuse me?" He asked offended. "You calling me 'babe' all day long? What are you 12?" I scoffed. "Come on, I missed you." He kissed my hand. "You know I hate it when you bully people." I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry baby." He looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes. "Fine." I hugged him quick and got to class.


They were about to announce the Triwizard Champions. "One sickle on Krum." I told George as I passed him. "Deal." He whispered and I went to sit with my friends right after. Dumbledore announced the Durmstrang champion first. "Viktor Krum." He roared and I looked at George with satisfaction. Fleur Delacour and Cedric were the other Champions, I was a bit frightened when he announced Cedric. "He'll be fine, it's not like he's going to die or anything." Theo said stern.

"Harry Potter?" We heard Dumbledore mumble after the Goblet spat out another piece of paper. "What?" I whispered worried. "Harry Potter!!" Dumbledore roared. "For goodness sake Harry, stand up." I whispered to myself.

Hermoine got him up. "He's a cheat!" "He's not even old enough yet!" I heard multiple people yell. "That git." Ron spat as he walked over to me. "Did you see him? Did you see him put his name in?" He asked frustrated.

"Calm down Ronald." I told him and I rested my hands on his shoulders. "How dare he! He didn't even bother telling me!" He stormed out and I followed him. On the way I grabbed both the twins by there arms.

"Your brother is going mad." I told them as they followed me. "Come on Ron, do you really think he would do such a thing!?" I asked him. "I don't know what he's thinking!" He groaned. "Come on, he would be barking to put his name in." I scoffed and Ron gave me a look of disgust. "Okay, he's not the brightest, but he's not stupid." George told him but Ron still looked mad.

I headed back to the common room, there was no way changing his mind, Ronald was really pissed of.

The Slytherin Princess (Draco Malfoy x Reader) ~Year 3&4~Where stories live. Discover now