Starting the year with a headache

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Draco went to look for his father and I was going to find Harry. He was laying in the middle of the camp.

"Harry, wake up! There's a man!" I whispered to Harry while shaking him awake.

"Y/n?" He whispered confused as he opened his eyes slowly. "You came back for me? You idiot, you could've died." He pulled me into a hug.

"Harry! Y/n!" Ron and Hermoine were running our way.

"STUPIFY!" We heard around us and we ducked out of reflex. "Stop it! That's my kid!" Arthur demanded them to stop.

"What the hell man." I muttered under my breath. "Y/n!" I ran over to George as he called my name.

We headed home all in silence, with You-Know-Who's mark in the sky. Tomorrow we were heading back to Hogwarts .


It was morning and mother was meeting me at the station with some more of my clothing and stuff.

Again with that damn wall! The idea of bumping into that wall freaked me out, but there I go again, with my precious owl Tanner.

It was a present from Sirius, he's really cute with grey feathers and light blue eyes. When we were through the wall I left the group of Weasleys.

I saw mother but before we could hug I got literally jumped by Pansy. "I missed you!!!!" She squealed as we hugged tight.

"Oh me next!!" I heard Blaise in a high pitch voice, trying to imitate a girls voice.

"Shut up you! I missed you too Pans." I got to Blaise and hugged him tight. "Not forgetting me are you?" A lower voice spoke behind me.

Theo!?! He grew his hair out and he got clearer skin, he was taller as well. "H-hi Theo." I chuckled before he hugged me carefully.

I talked to mom for a few minutes before taking my stuff and saying goodbye. It wasn't that hard, a lot easier than the first time.

Our group of four searched for a compartment. Luckily we found one right next to the weasleys. I could walk back and forth really easy.

But when I came back after the 3rd time, someone joined us. "Hi" I said softly with no emotion or what's so ever. "Hey." He said back and I just stood there. "You uh, you alright?" Draco asked. "Yeah, you?" I asked a bit concerned, the rest didn't know what happened yet.

"Fine." He looked back down at his hanfs and I cleared my throat a bit. "I'm just gonna sit with my friends." I told Blaise awkward.

"Well, we're your friends right?" Blaise joked. "You know what I mean." I looked at him for just a second and he spoke up.

"I'll go." He said with a sad smile. "You really don't have to, you know it's-" He interrupted me. "I know." He told me and I stepped aside so Draco could pass me. "What?" I asked my 3 friends when they looked disappointed at me.

"Stop acting weird." Blaise gave me a sign to sit next to him. So I did, and I took a nap for the rest of the ride.

After an hour or two we were already sitting in the great hall. I saw Donna all alone, no Greengrass sisters, no one. I wonder what happened, Astoria and Daphne were sitting a few seats away, giggling.

Donna looked awful, it looked like she's been crying. I missed her but I'm not gonna lie, she really did this all by herself. But to see her like this wasn't great either, it was actually pretty sad. "Earth to Y/n?" Theo nudged me softly.

"Oh, sorry, what?" I chuckled softly. "How I'd like to take a look in that head of yours." He smiled and gathered all his stuff. I was thinking so much I didn't even realize we were sitting there for over an hour.

I was also done eating, so I decided to walk with them to the common room. I didn't look back, I just thought about everything an nothing. I was zoning out again and before I knew it, we were sitting in the commonroom.

My head still hurt from the fall I made the day before, my thoughts were mostly about that night. I was really quiet for a lot of reasons.

I didn't really know what to do, so I just grabbed my book and started reading while everyone chatted in the common room.

We were sitting on the couches like usual. I didn't expect anything to really happen tonight.

"It's 10!!!" Pansy squealed and jumped up in joy. Me and Theo groaned out of annoyance.

"Again, really?" I asked her frustrated. "What? You're being boring all night, I should be the one whining." She looked around, thinking of a challenge.

"We can't do this without Draco, it's tradition." She crossed her arms and looked at me. "We can't do this without Donna." I mirrored her actions and she gasped.

"What is wrong with you!" She was in utter shock. "I'm kidding, chill." I groaned and went up to Theo.

"What?" He stood up and hovered over me. "Come on." I grabbed his hand and started leaving the common room.

I turned back and looked at the rest. "Are you coming or what?" I smiled and they all followed us.

"Where are we going?" Blaise asked me for the 5th time. "Shut up." We walked over to the fairy tree. I knew what I was doing and I didn't do it for myself.

"My brother from another mother! What are you doing out here?" Blaise almost yelled of relief because he could talk again.

Draco turned around blankly looking at me and Theo still holding eachothers hand. When I realized I let go and looked at Pansy to avoid both of the guys.

"It's 10 already?" Draco chuckled and stood up. "What's the plan?" He hugged Blaise and our new adventure was about to begin.

A/n: We're back!

The Slytherin Princess (Draco Malfoy x Reader) ~Year 3&4~Where stories live. Discover now