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We had a fun night with the group, we ended up playing would you rather. Nothing special really, Draco and I didn't talk much though

The next day we were all asked to gather in the great hall for a big announcement, I had no clue what it could be. Pansy and I were thinking of all kinds of things, new dorms or new teachers or something.

The whole school was making their way to the great hall when suddenly we heard a lot of noise coming from the clock tower courtyard. Pansy and I went to look but we couldn't see what was happening.

"Y/n! Over here!" Ginny grabbed my wrist and I got to Pansy's hand just in time. We looked down to the black lake when all of a sudden a big boat appeared out of the water.

'Wow' 'so cool' 'blimey!' Is all I heard around me. "Beautiful isn't it?" A deep voice behind me said. I wasn't listening, I was just admiring the horses flying in the air.

I felt two arms around me from behind. "You get distracted so easy Lupin." Theo chuckled. "Hey! It's not my fault it's so beautiful." I joked.

"Mhm" he mumbled and everyone was making their way to the great hall again. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach as me and Theo sat down together.

Dumbledore announced that 2 other schools will be joining us this year for the triwizard tournement.

An all girl school from France entered and I wasn't impressed. The boys got excited except Draco and Theo. Pansy and I looked at eachother disgusted.

The next school was all boys, from Bulgaria. "Holy fuck is that Krum?" I heard Blaise ask. He is a big Quidditch fan.

"Bet Ron is drooling all over Viktor Krum." I told Pansy and we looked over at the Gryffindor table.

"Pathetic." I laughed a bit at him for the face he was making. "Stop it." Theo laughed a bit. "What? It's funny." I told him, nudging him.

We sang the Hogwarts song and ate after. Dumbledore explained what the Triwizard tournement actually was. "-very dangerous tasks." He said and I looked behind me to see Fred and George, there were fasinated.

"There is no way." I told Fred and I turned back around. And so they announced that there was an age limit. "Hah, Losers." I told him and he nudged me back in my place.

They all started yelling and I just looked at everyone annoyed. "What a bunch of idiots." Draco told me and I chuckled.

We headed back to the commonroom after dinner. "Lupin, hold on." I heard Draco say before I walked up the stairs. "Dress warm and take a walk with me." He told me and I did what he told me. So I went upstairs to change.

I walked back down the stairs cheerful. When I came down he was talking with Astoria. I stepped back behind the wall and looked at them. He had a kind smile on his face. "How about tonight?" She asked.

"I'm going on a date tonight." He said and I smirked a bit. "A date? Oh I would love to!" She squeeled and he laughed. "You are not bright are you? I'm not going on a date with you. I'm going on a date with Lupin." He told her and he looked at me with a wink.

Did he see me come down the stairs? How the hell did he know I was here. "Hi handsome." I told him and I kissed his cheek. "Ready to go love?" He asked and I nodded. "So that's it then? We are really over?" She asked annoyed.

"We were never on." He said and he took my hand. We walked away together and laughed the second we got out of her sight.

"So, what's new?" I asked him. "First of all, I am sorry. I overreacted, I like your company and I don't want to lose you. I shouldn't have left you that night. I shouldn't have ignored you." He explained.

"You shouldn't have." I assured him. "I never felt like that before." He told me blankly and I looked a bit shocked. "Oh." I just said as we entered the astronomy tower.

"Rember the first time we came here?" He asked me sitting down. "You mean that I was crying or do you mean our first kiss?" I joked.

"You know what I mean." He told me and I laid my head on his shoulder. "I missed you Draco." I mumbled and he sighed.

"Friends again?" He asked and I nodded. "Sure."

After a few minutes of silence I stood up. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Back to the common room, it's late and cold." I helped him up and we walked back together. Our hands brushing against eachother from time to time.

We reached the door but he stopped me from saying the password. "Just so you know, I'm glad we talked. I really care about you." He had such an honest face.

"Thanks." We walked inside together and Pansy was on the couch with Blaise, they were snogging. "Ugh, disgusting." Draco said and I nudged him. "Give them a break will you." I told him and I brought him up stairs.

"I don't want to go to my dorm." He whined. "You can come to mine if you want?" I looked at him a bit scared. "Sure." He told me and we went to the girls dorm.

"Looks empty without Donna's stuff." He told me. "Well, it was her own choise." I sighed and fell down on my bed. "Why the long face?" He sat down next to me and I layed my head on his as he played with my hair.

"I don't know, just all this stuff with Donna." I told him. "Well, what about it?" He asked. "She looks so lonely, it's just so sad. Like, what did she do? She knocked down a Christmas tree. Big deal?" I looked at him for an answer.

"She gave you a cut." He chuckled a little. "Well, that was an accident. She didn't mean to." I looked up at the ceiling until he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "She'll be fine. I promise, she will come back to you." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I've missed this." I told him and he winked at me. I moved a bit up and he moved a bit down. I laid in his arms and I fell a sleep after a little.

The Slytherin Princess (Draco Malfoy x Reader) ~Year 3&4~Where stories live. Discover now