Lets get shopping!

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"My father is loosing his mind! I'm telling you Harry." I say frustrated.

"I'm sorry, alright? I didn't know that some silly map would drive him mad!" He yells a little. "Sorry Y/n, I just found out I got a godfather." He stated.

"Oh my! Harry, this is huge! Who is it?" I asked. "Don't tell her Harry!" Hermoine spat. "Uhm, rude much?" I said with my brows furrowed.

"Actually, she is the one I wanted to talk to." he said while scratching his neck. "You mean, that Sirius. You know?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes he is." he sighed.

"Is that her godfather too?" Hermoine asked shocked. "Yeah, he is." I said confident. "Why are you happy about that?" Harry spat. "Because he's innocent, you know that." I said.

"INNOCENT!? He betrayed my parents!" he yelled. "He didn't!" I yelled surprised. "You are full of stupidity if you still think he did." I scoffed. "Who else would it be!?" He yelled back. "God, Harry, we are like family! Just trust me, for merlin's sake!" I yelled walking away

I was walking in a empty corridor so i could let out my frustration. "ASSHOLES!!" I yelled a little. "Unbelieveble! Fucking mother fuckers, I hate everyone!" I mumble kicking a rock and it comes back. I look up to see someone.

"Leave me alone Diggory." I spat. "Actually, no, I'm sorry, you did nothing wrong. " I give him a smile after my apology. "It's fine, you fancy a walk?" he asked, but it was freezing. "Can we get my coat first?" I asked and he nodded.

I grabbed my coat from my closet and when I wanted to exit the Slytherin common room someone called my name. "Where do you think you're going Lupin?" I turned around and all my friends were there.

"Out? Why?" I furrow my brows. "We were going to hogsmeade for presents. Remember?" Crabbe said. "I totally forgot, can Cedric come? I kinda had a-" I started. "A date?" Goyle asked curious but I shook my head confused.

"He can't-" Draco begun but Pansy and Donna both slapped him. "He can totally come!" Donna said and winked at me. "Come on then!" I laughed.

"Hi- uh- guys?" Cedric made a worried face. "I forgot that we would go to hogsmeade, care to join?" I asked as I put my coat on. "Yeah, could be fun, wouldn't it? Malfoy?" he looked him up and down in a confident way. 'What the fuck?' I froze in place.

"What the fuck?" Draco thought out loud as he did the same as me. Cedric, Pansy, Blaise and Goyle where walking away already. They didn't hear it tho. "Come on!" Donna said excited and she ran after them.

Draco and I started walking and I could see that he wasn't happy. I grabbed his hand and didn't look at him. I just looked at the snow falling on the trees. We were walking together for like 10 minutes now and that's when he squeezed my hand for attention.

"Did you talk it out?" he asked while looking at our hands. "We did." I said looking at our hands as well, he smiled in response.

Draco's POV

I was happy for her, I've been awful to her. I mean, I argued with her for several times. I don't want to and I don't know why I do it. I keep pushing her away whenever she gets to attached. I don't even have the gut to tell her how beautiful she actually is. "So stupid!" I think out loud and she flinches. But when i look at her nervous and worried she starts laughing.

"Lost in your thoughts handsome?" She giggles. 'She called me handsome, okay! okay! What do I do now?' I think but I'm not doing anything. "Are you single or not?" I blur out. "Yeah, isn't that kind of obvious?" She asked confused but I shake my head.

"Well, I'm going to that shop over there for a dress. See you later?" she let's go of my hand but I stop her. "Can I come with you?" I ask. "Sure?" She answered confused. And I just looked at her.

The Slytherin Princess (Draco Malfoy x Reader) ~Year 3&4~Where stories live. Discover now