Malfoy manor

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After breakfast I went outside with Nacrissa. "Tell me, how did you do it?" She suddenly asked. "What?" I chuckled. "How did you turn my Draco soft?" She asked interlocking her arms with me. "I don't know? Is he being soft?" I asked confused.

"Oh dear, he adores you. Believe me, he was a little man whore that one. But with you, he talks about you. He cares about you, he gets you gifts. He only ever does that with his friends." She told me. "What if that's how he sees me? How do I know that I am really what he wants?" I asked concerned.

"The twinkle in his eyes." She nodded her head towards the pond. "Go." She told me and I walked over to him. He was giving the wild animals some food.

"What you doing?" I asked with a smile. "Hi there, feeding the baby ducks." He gave me a piece of bread. I looked at him, I was fasinated. "You do this often?" I asked and he nodded.

"You know, at school I actually feed the bow truckles very often." He told me. "Draco?" I looked at him nervous. "Yes?" He asked smiling. "I want you too." I told him and he smiled.

We let the bread fall and we kissed eachother. It was not passionate but it also wasn't soft. "Come with me." He told me and we walked back inside together.

He took me to a room in the basement. There was a big black wall, a kingsize bed and a big bookshelf. "Watch." He flicked his wand and a light shined on the wall.

"What movie would you like to watch?" He asked and he pulled me towards him. "What ever you want." I told him and he winked. We ended up watching 'secret life of a niffler'. It was kind of like the muggle movie 'a bug life'.

We layed on the bed and I secretly locked the door. I grabbed his face and made out with him. He slowly put his hands on my legs. He worked his way up and opened my pants.


He slowly put his hand inside my pants. I moaned a bit, he really knew what he was doing. He pulled my pants down and kissed my belly. "You like this?" He asked with a smirk and I nodded. Before I knew it, he went down on me. "Oh fuck." I said a little loud. "There there princess, this is only the beginning." He told me as he threw away his belt and took off his pants.

He looked at me with a puzzled face and I gave him my blessing. He made his way inside of me and I loved it. 25 minutes long, 7 different positions, it was amazing.

~End of smut~

We layed on the bed together, still undressed, but the blanket covered us. "I am falling for you Draco." I mumbled getting cozy. "What?" He asked weirded out. "What do you mean 'what'??" I told him concerned. "Falling for me!?" He spat.

"Well, yeah, I really am." I scoffed in shock. "You can't just say you are falling for me after you hooked up with a different guy less then a week ago!" He was putting on his clothes angerly.

"Draco come on, you know I've been in love with you for quite some time now." I told him concerned. "You are full of shit." He spat and he stormed out.

I just had sex with an asshole. Great.

I got dressed and went up to my room, I was reading my book when I heard someone clear her throat. "Yes mother?" I asked annoyed. "Is there uh, any thing you'd like to tell me?" She asked and I turned red.

"Why? What do you know?" I aske her frightnend. "You went into the movie room." She crossed her arms. "I might have been there, yes." I told her fiddling my fingers.

"You did it, didn't you!?" She asked a bit of edge. "Fine! Yes!" I groaned and hid under the covers. "Honey! So soon?" She asked a little disappointed. "Well, we first kissed like 3 months ago so not that soon really. " I said but her hair got red. "Sorry momma." I looked at her in shame.

"He walked out on me." I said as she wanted to leave. "What do you mean?"
"He walked out on me when I told him I was falling for him." I told her fiddling my fingers.

"Do you love him?" She asked. "Mom, I don't want anyone else. I feel like my world is falling appart when he's not speaking with me." I started to het a little emotional.

"When we fight, I feel like there is something sucking all of the happiness out of my body. It feels like I'm not enough. When ever I see him with a different girl, I feel like throwing up, it's like I get punched in the stomach so hard that I can't get up." I explained.

"My son makes you feel all that?" I heard from the doorframe. "He might." I was crying a bit and she came to sit on my bed aswell. "Honey, you should tell him." Narcissa told me.

"I wanted to but when I confessed my feelings, he walked out on me." I told her and she hugged me. "Love makes people do crazy stuff. He is probably a little scared." She assured me.

They left my room and I only came downstairs to eat that day. I read like a whole book in only one day.


It was the last day at the manor and Draco didn't speak to me. I packed my stuff, tonight after dinner we are leaving. Thank god this is over, it has been a rollercoaster.

"Come with me Y/n." Lucius told me after breakfast. He took me to his office and handed me an envelope. "You are to open this when you feel like you need to." He told me and I looked confused. "Well, I need to right now, I'm curious." I told him.

"Now is not the proper moment. Don't put too much tought into it. You'll know when it's the right time." He told me and he send me off to help Narcissa in the library.

"Need any help?" I asked he and she smiled. "Draco never cleans up after himself." She chuckled. "His dorm is quite clean." I told he and she furrowed her brows. "You've been in his dorm?" She asked and I looked a little confused.

"Well, yes, loads of times." I told her. "Is that even allowed?" She asked me. "I guess, we are always in eachothers dorms." I confessed and she shrugged a little.

I didn't do much the rest off the day. Me and the mom's drank tea and Draco didn't leave his room, it was time to go and I walked upstairs.

"I'm going." I said infront of his door, no answer. "I know you can hear me." I told him with a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry if I offended you, I just never felt like this. I'll see you in school." I waited for a moment, no answer. That's when we went home....

The Slytherin Princess (Draco Malfoy x Reader) ~Year 3&4~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora