Hogwarts Express

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George dragged me with him, he ran towards the wall. 'Is he out of his mind?' I thought to myself. We were about to hit the wall and it was going to hurt for sure, but then something else happened.

Suddenly I heard a train and many more people then before, i looked up and read a sign: Hogwarts Express. "I love magic." i said while George was still holding my hand.

I looked over to see my mother and i immediately let go of his hand. "Looks like I have to say goodbye pup. Your father is already somewhere in the train he assumed you didn't want to sit with him." My mother said to me. Tears escaped my already watery eyes once i hugged my mother.

I never had to leave her for more than one or two weeks, but now it was time. I felt my mother crying in silence in the crook of my neck. I held her tight and said "It's all going to be ok mom. I will come home with dad sometimes on the weekends."

"I'm going to miss you my puppy." She have me one last kiss on my head and left with Molly.

"Aren't you guys coming?" I asked Ron and Hermoine. "Harry will be here any minute, we will catch up." i smiled and went to sit in a compartment with the twins. They both sat across from me, leaving me alone on the other couch. And suddenly the door opened, I thought it would be the golden trio. But it was this tall guy with beautiful grey eyes and platinum blond hair.

"Come on, this one is taken by the weirdo's." he said before looking at me. "Pathetic!" Someone else said when walking further

The blond guy was still here with a puzzled look on his face. "Hello there." he said with a smirk on his face. "Hi." I said shyly before he walked away. "Who was that?" I asked while trying to hide my smile.

"Draco Malfoy." Fred said annoyed. "That's Draco Malfoy!? You never told me he was-" "Hot?" George joked. "Yeah." I giggled.

Harry's POV

I walked up to my friends, i had to talk to Arthur Weasley before going to the platform. I saw them already today in the leaky cauldron so it wasn't a big deal. "You just missed Y/N." Ron said to me. "She is so nice!" Hermoine added. "Well, I'll meet her later. Let's go before all the empty compartments are taken."

We went to look for Fred, George and Y/N. But we weren't succesfull, we sat in a compartment with some sleeping guy instead.

"Who's that?" Ron asked. "Professor R.J. Lupin" Hermoine said. "You know everything! How is it that she knows everything!?" Ron said to me with a concerned voice. "It's on the suitecase Ronald!" Hermoine said, pointing at his trunk.

"Wait, isn't that Y/N father?" i asked and to my surprise Ron shrugged. "Never met the guy but it seems like it's him." I closed the door and told my friends everything about Sirius Black and what happend with my aunt earlier this week. After that, the train stopped and it got cold and dark.


I really needed to go to the bathroom so i asked the twins where I could find it. "Thanks, I will be right back." As I walked my way to the bathroom the train suddenly stopped. I had nothing to hold on to so I fell, the same thing happened to the person that fell right on top of me.

I looked up to only see two grey eyes and a wide smirk. Then I realized, Draco Malfoy was laying on top of me. "Falling for me already?" He mocked and his smirk got wider after his comment.

He stood up and gave me his hand for me to do the same. "Draco." He said and smiled. "Y/n." I told him with a shy smile. I stood there for a moment and then I walked away.

Suddenly I got so cold and dark that I didn't know where to go. I heard a creepy noise and I saw a black sort of ghost going in a compartment in front of me. Out of fear I walked back to where I was just a second ago.

"What the hell is that?" I said a little anxious. "I don't know, I couldn't see is clearly." He answered. "It's moving." I yanked his arms a little. "Hey! Ouch!" He chuckled. "Sorry." I say in a scared voice.

All of a sudden I feel a hand snake around my waist. I relax once he pulls me a little closer, it makes me feel safe. "It's okay, I've got you." He whispered.

I wanted to look up but then I heard a sound, I looked to the compartment and a bright white light came out of the compartment. I burried my head in his chest and when I looked up again, the thing was gone and I saw a men coming out. It was my father.

"Y/N!" He ran up to me. "My sweetheart are you okay?" I got out of Draco's grip to hug my dad. "Yes, I'm alright." "Thank you boy." He tapped Draco on his shoulder and brought me to his compartment. "Uh- dad- I- BYE!" I yelled to Draco.

"Is that Harry?" I giggled a little because he fainted. He really did look ridiculous. "He fainted because he was attacked by a dementor." My smile faded into worry.

"Guards of Azkaban?" I asked confused "He was looking for the mass murderer Sirius Black." My dad said, but 'mass murderer'!? I gave my dad a look of disgust and anger. "What happened?" Harry asked when he woke.

My father explained everything and gave him some chocolate. He left to talk to the train machinist. "Well well, you must be Y/N?" Harry asked as he leaned back into the couch. "I sure am! Nice to meet you Harry Potter." And just like that I made my first new friends already.

I walked back to the compartment where the twins were sitting. "Stop pacing around George! Sit down! We will arrive in a few minutes." Fred said before he saw me.

George looked at me in shock and gave me the biggest hug. "Where were you? Wait no, how are you? Are you hurt?" "I'm fine! I was just with- my dad." I lied, I remembered how they despise Draco Malfoy.

"You sure nothing's wrong?" Fred asked as I sat down. "Yeah, I'm fine!" I said smilling.


A/N: Hi guys! So what do you think? I'm cutting out the George love story, I didn't like it. It's suppose to be all about Draco.

The Slytherin Princess (Draco Malfoy x Reader) ~Year 3&4~Where stories live. Discover now